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5 days ago

5 days ago

Gravytrain92 finished Alan Wake
This game changed my perception of what a game could be. The story made me stop and think about the importance of themes in games such as relationships, light, reality vs expectation and it tells a tale unlike anything I have experienced in the arts. The mechanics also were very strong from the usage of flashlights to interact with the environment to the ability to find bits and pieces of the story via manuscript pages in the world. The only gripe I had is that the dodge mechanic is clunky and Alan doesn't move well in the world but some how even this feels thematic as he is a writer and not a fighter. All in all, this is the type of game is one that will be overshadowed by its predecessor but an extremely strong entry on its own merits.

12 days ago

12 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

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