I enjoyed this game. Mostly. I played it on hard and I think that was the wrong choice cause the only thing that seemed to change is how tanky things were and made them do high damage. This led to a bunch of encounters feeling like they went on way too long.

Other than that though, I thought it was pretty good. The combat flowed well, I liked the story (dunno if it's lore accurate (don't really care)), the music fit the vibe. Fun.

I enjoyed it a lot, whilst I don't think it has replayability for me, the time I spent finishing my first run was enough for me. I also think the enemy variety can get very samey after enough runs and the weapon variety in guns didn't feel like it mattered that much. However, I thought the combat flowed really well and when it clicked I felt sick in every room.

I have a huge pileup of games, the way I get through them is by putting them all on a wheel and spinning what I play, sometimes it's horrible and I get something like Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but sometimes I get something like this that I didn't really care about playing but I'm glad I did.

It's just a really solid game. I think the art design was really good, especially on the creatures. The gunplay was simple but fun. I wasn't as much of a fan of the ship controls, it occasionally felt a bit jank but never got to be annoying. The dialogue was kind of robotic at times. But overall I really enjoyed.

It's chill. That's kinda it. Slow paced, nice atmosphere, flying felt decent. It didn't blow me away as a game but was an enjoyable experience.

I get that it's not gonna get finished but tbh it just makes me sad more than mad. I loved my time with this game and just wanted more.

I think the introduction of different microgame types for each chapter was great. I liked the music a lot, the art style hit for me, the comedy was my type of comedy. Really fun game, happy with the time I had not regretful of the time I coulda had.

It was aight. Not really a fan of crafting type games. Some stuff was annoying to get, didn't like waiting for things but it kept a pretty consistent upgrade flow.

It's just a lot of fun. It feels like it was made by people who had a funny idea and played into that. Kinda wish there were less puzzle levels but doesn't ruin the game for me or anything.

It's alright. I think it's too easy to completely annihilate your run with a single bad item that doesn't tell you what it does properly. But overall it's kinda fun. Got some decent bosses, pretty good music. Maybe worth a shot if you're deep into roguelikes... lites? Iunno, this sorta game.

Right off rip, it's a 2016 game and that is a large part of its identity. I played it for the first time in 2024. This meant that Harambe jokes and South Park swear humour didn't hit the same as it would when I was 12. In fact for me it doesn't hit at all.

Gunplay wise it's kinda mediocre. I never really had to think about it even though I played on the hardest difficulty and ended up just defaulting to whatever gets me through the enemy slop quickest.

Story wise, I'll be honest, I never even remotely paid attention to because I couldn't feel anything for any of the characters other than a mild annoyance.

It's cute. Love Filbo, love my big gay hunk, just a great time. Sometimes can handhold a bit too much but doesn't ruin anything, and still ends up being great.

I love the visuals, music and the characters/story are mostly great. But. I had basically no fun with this game. The exploration felt samey, the combat was god awful, the areas just felt like segments with an occasional checkpoint. The platforming itself felt so mid to me, like it's not bad but never felt like it fully explored what it could do.

Storywise I was really disappointed with how instantaneous the ending is, like it was feeling like oh shit things are happening and then suddenly, bam, game's over.

I really wanted to enjoy this game but I just couldn't, it felt like something that had a lot of good ideas but just couldn't execute any of them amazingly. Wanna try Ori 2 and hopefully I like that more.

A beautiful story told in a great style. Really good music too.

Overall, fun. However it gets a bit tiring. I honestly think if there were like 25 of each and they were more refined it woulda been a great game but having 100 of 1 type got really tedious.


Some of the levels are a decently interesting challenge. The rest are sort of trial and error loops which can get a bit tiring. I like the art style tho.