This game is the prophet of every modern horror game trope.

You are in first person, enemies are ghosts that kill you within seconds from just standing next to you, and you even have to use security cameras to track the patrol routes of your enemies in advance.

Cold Fear and Resident Evil 4 feel like an answer to everything this game does wrong, while exploiting its latent virtues.

There is a good timeline where Capcom doesn't publish San Andreas in Japan, one where this game ends up being a comic-aesthetic classic beat'em up, one where it succeeds and Studio 4 doesn't go into bankrupt, and makes that Maximo 3 open world and the Megaman X 3D Hack and Slash starring Zero.

To sum up, there is a time line where this doesn't exist and the world is better

A technical mess that is accidentally fun? A challenge on the nebulous boundaries of what is essential for a videogame? A meticulously crafted surrealist story supported by its flawed systems? A pretentious overambitious mess that is just chunks of what it was supposed to be?

Nobody knows what this game truly is, but everyone desperately needs to talk about it when playing it. This incidental or not talent makes it worth the ride.

Una reinterpretación torpe pero necesaria de la fórmula de clock tower 1 para desestancarla de su formato hasta el momento.

Le da la vuelta por completo a la fórmula estipulada por DMC en lo que a lucimiento se refiere, convirtiéndola una casi más adictiva y cercana al lucimiento arcade que este pretendía

Si bien depende demasiado del azar para ciertos sistemas, convierte una premisa simple en una disfrutable gracias a un bestiario cuidadísimo.

Mientras que todos copiaban la esencia de aventura de DMC1, este equipo influenciado por sus raíces arcade la convirtió en uno de los sistemas más de combate de un jugador más flexibles que existen, complementado por unos enemigos diseñados sorprendentemente bien hacia él.

Un tropiezo necesario que aún en sus defectos definiría la esencia de la saga. Aunque sus defectos son tan imperdonables que de no ser por una fanbase sorpresivamente fiel hubieran sepultado a la franquicia

juego reolvidable pero lo terminé stremeándolo a la llamada grupal de discord más horny de la historia lpm eso sí que no voy a olvidarlo

It feels like a natural (and not broken) evolution of what clock tower wanted to achieve back in the day, with the help of modern influences like Alien Isolation. The randomness of the pursuer and the tense puzzles who rely on visual memory most of the time (and whose solution is randomly generated every playthrough), all accompanied by a very arcade-like smoothness. This pieces fit to make a game that turns into a fun speedrun challenge that doesn't lose an inch of tension due to the nature of the pursuer, but where waiting time turns minimal