So incredibly edgy. And horribly forgettable characters.

This worked better on a console than an old handheld but still felt a bit stilted as a card game.

5 minute load times in the PS2 era went hard

This game was clearly made on a strict deadline, even by movie tie-in standards.

Great way to bring the old Red/Blue versions to a new generation.

A worse version of Mario Party. There are only 5 or so different game types with a few one-offs. Plus the handicap challenges can be actually impossible without incredible luck.

Good for a couple of weekends but no MMR system made matchmaking a dice roll of either getting obliterated or completely obliterating the opposing team.

I liked this game as a kid but a card-based action JRPG didn't really work as a concept for a GameBoy game.

Fun to see interactions between Strong Bad and TF2 Heavy but it lost its luster after a few rounds.

Terrible follow-up to an actual groundbreaking Bejeweled clone. Mechanics punished you for playing well and the harem was almost universally unlikable compared to the original.

I really want to replay this game - I got one ending but apparently there are several endings. It was hilariously dark humor about surviving your first day of kindergarten without literally dying.

If ever there was a game I "abandoned" as a kid it was this one. You were able to "purchase" cards if you entered the codes on the physical copies but literally every card that was worth playing required you to hit the currency cap to unlock. That and the AI had access to cards that were literally unkillable unless you had a board wipe. Beating the game was literally luck-based.

Played this on another kid's GameBoy while Beth was in ballet lessons.

Kind of a forgettable game, it was like budget Stanley Parable.

I kind of disliked how sluggish the game felt since I played it after Tekken 3.