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This game, for some reason, I absolutely adore. That wording is not meant to imply that the game is bad, 'cos it's not from what I can tell. I've played this game more times than I can count at this point. I have no reference for how this game is rated, so I have no idea if I am alone on this. I do know of one other person who has played this before, but I don't hear many talk about it. I believe it was rereleased at some point under the PlayStation Greatest Hits line, so it must have done well. The soundtrack of this game is one of my absolute favourites. I just love it to bits. Since this game is one of those PS1 games that plays the soundtrack if you put the game disc in a CD player, it works especially in my favour. Unfortunately it's not the full soundtrack, but what's there is nice to have. It is a fun platformer that I'd say is worth a go.