I don't know what's going on with Nintendo, where every franchise they bring to the Switch ends up not only being a legit great game, but debatably the best in the entire series. Pikmin 4 makes 1 & 2 look like they're betas for this game. They remade Pikmin 1 as a bonus mode, for fuck's sake. This is easily top notch, definite recommend for newcomers to a legit solid console RTS game.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023


9 months ago

not the case with metroid sadly. but yeah it's really good

9 months ago

also it's not an RTS game at all

7 months ago

Metroid Dread is peak and Pikmin is a real time strategy game. Literally googling Pikmin shows that its genre is RTS. I'm amazed that someone who has Pikmin 1 in his top 5 really should know that.