i am a God hurry up with my damn massage hurry up with my damn menage

got all achievements so logging

really fun game would reccomend to anyone who has 2 hours spare (and doesnt feel sick easy)

i would do anything to make this game have an active online

thank you pyrocynical for enlightening me

This game is pretty much perfect i still have alot of side stuff to do but ulfric is dead!!!!!!!!!! so im logging.

i love the companions story line

i lowkey just dont like the fnaf games

this game sucks and ill never finish it

wish there was more maps and the unit screams are annoying

I am a huge fan of sandboxes but this game suffers from so much content being locked behind a paywall the amount of dlc for a stupid prison game is absurd

Very few in game levels but a fun turn your brain off game and their isnt the best mods but fun

lose 5 games in a row whats even is the point in living
Overwatch 2 experience in a nutshell

I think hitman 2 improves on it but still has some really great missions and it being playable through hitman 2 if you own both is an amazing inclusion