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Gwyndolyn finished Dragon Age: Inquisition
Dragon Age Inquisition currently I have over 600+ hours across all runs and consoles (PC and PS4) and in this run as a Rogue Lavellan who romanced Solas I have over 102 hours in this and I 100% it a grueling task and a lot of break from what was originally started in February to now well, it was hard but I did it!

For positives I would say that I really like the story and the late game elements of it, I think the writers shines the most in this regard because while I never really liked Corypheus and I think outside from the 2 dlc he was in this game makes him look so incompetent and I think he was a boring villain all around I did like a lot of this game’s story and the characters the writing in each character is strong and I like participating the journey it has led and the heartbreaks with Solas hurts me at the end of the Trespasser dlc and I will never love a bald man again. Joking aside this game is pretty solid and I would say the game is worth it for the story alone but it is a long game so be prepared for that. Another point I like in this game is the combat, personally I don’t like how it felt more of a MMORPG that focuses on getting the damage numbers up and I hope that Veilguard will change that but I have a specific build that I made that pretty much makes me solo everything with relative ease with my Rogue and since I’m playing it on Nightmare it did help me out a lot.

Negatives. A lot of the negatives is the fact that this game even at its current state is a buggy mess especially when the frostbite engine wasn’t made for an action rpg game that feels more like a mmo and it shows, the game has a lot of glitches that still wasn’t patched and bugs that gives me a hard time, some areas look wonky and overall it needed more time in the oven to be more ready and compared to Veilguard which is using the same engine but more upgrade, I have high hopes that it will do better. Another issue is the combat itself and while I did sing my praises, it still bugs me that it focuses more on increasing g damage numbers for the sake of it and the said build was explicitly made for that reason and while I did have fun I can understand why people won’t like it.

Now Corypheus, I like it when we don’t know much about him in 2’s dlc and he was an interesting villain for that dlc but to make him a full fledge villain for Inquisition’s story is an odd choice and I originally wanted to see how it goes but the more I play the game the more I just find him so boring, he is such a one note villain that I genuinely prefer the Araashok from 2 who was the villain of the game’s chapter 2 to be way more interesting and complex than he ever was. Compared to the other main villains of the series he just falls flat because I prefer Loghain and Merideth more than this magister darkspawn.

Overall I believe this game is good for those who are open minded about this game but I do understand why not a lot of people will like this one much. Either way my run with the series is complete and I am so excited for Dragon Age The Veilguard to come out this fall by the time I wrote this

4 days ago

4 days ago

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