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Outside of a very underwhelming boss fight. This was a solid conclusion to the Slayer. Definitely harder then the first part and died a couple of times.

The new enemies are essentially reskins but don't really add anything new to the table aside from new abilities that can easily be countered. The screechers are the worst offenders but if you don't provoke them they won't be a bothersome.

The level design is good as usual the same old small albeit wide environments to trench through and the good ol platforming sections. Followed by some goodies to find. The music in this game is the tits.

If you loved part one and looking for a harder challenge then by all means this is for you. If you're the opposite then you might wanna give it a pass. I mean, I fucking died during the first level after provoking the screecher.

Thanks ID Software. NOW GIVE US QUAKE.