7 Reviews liked by HakkunEMP

nothing beats your friend whipping this out and showing you a video of someone animating patrick star singing along to weird al's cover of "beat it" by michael jackson

I love going on this game and seeing what I made before my frontal lobe was fully developed

turned me into the furry I am today

j. robert oppenheimer actually trained his brain in minutes a day with brain age, which is how he got the intellectual capability to develop the nuclear bomb. brain age, unfortunately, does not train your moral capabilities, so oppenheimer was to focused on whether he could to consider whether he should.

My favorite part was when the player Mii severely injured someone and got his life destroyed, only to end up recovering after getting a strike

This had to be my first log on this website. My favourite video game of all time. To this day, this is the only mainline Mario game that truly feels like an "experience". This is the game where all of Nintendo's signature ideologies came together to produce arguably the most complete package they have ever made. Honestly, I still can't believe a game this well-made even exists, let alone one as absurdly creative as this.

It's easy to take it for granted now, but the game's central concept is simultaneously so innovative, so ambitious, and so stupid that it's utterly mind boggling that it worked out so perfectly in execution. And the game still managed to fire on all cylinders in every other aspect too! This game is an utter miracle and I don't understand it.

I played this when I was little and I could not beat the Piranha Plant boss