So fuzion fenzy 2 is very boring to play even with friends, the character redesigns are stupid. The host is stupid looking. And most of the minigames are: lets tag team this one dude we don't like (anyone playing Zack) and then fight with fists, water, or balls. The game is a definite downgrade from Frenzy 1, sad they never got the chance to do a 3 game, could've been an improvement, or even a worse off game, we'll never know.

A very persona/smt inspired game, that uses fire emblem as a basis to give us a very fun game in terms of likable characters, fun combat gameplay, and a unique story. Absolutely recommend this to anyone who was unsure if it was good or not, it is.

Game was very fun, and a pleasure to finally have a SDBH game come to the west. However it seems that after the first update adding more cards, bandai just abandoned it, such a shame

So I'll be honest and say I'm not a big Rachet and Clank fan, because I haven't played any of the original games. I've played Size Matters, but that too was on PSP. This game has a fun story. That turns out is noncanon apparently. Has a lot of funny dialogue, and making the best friend have a spinoff was cool. The Rachet sections imo are very repetitive, boring, and annoying mostly consisting of waves upon waves of enemies trying to kill you. The weapons and gadgets are very fun, and final boss is honestly kind of lazy but in a funny way. The game is a fine noncanon spinoff to the series I recommend.

I had the Wii version of this game, so before anyone says "it's not that bad..." it is.
On Xbox and Ps3 I could maybe see the game in a better light because it had the open world and a variety of suits (some more interesting than others:

Cross Species Suit, Raimi Suit, Amazing Spiderman Black Suit [interpretation based on the ASM1 suit], and the Raimi Black Suit)

The problem is the wii version only featured: ASM1 Suit, Raimi Spiderman Suit, and Black Suit (which did not have the Venom Logo) it was just a desaturated Raimi Suit. And thats it.

The story takes a detour from the movie, which is both cool and stupid considering it just makes the "movie" game feel more like a comic book adaption for a game. Which is great because it allows you to do ridiculous shit, but still it's pretty dumb when comparing it to Spiderman 3 PS2/PS3/Xbox 360.

The whole cross species genetic villians was both cool and stupid because they could've done what Spiderman 3 game did and have the the extra stuff take place during the movie stuff. Like KingPin, Kraven, Scorpion, etc, in between the moments like Sandman vs Symbiote Spiderman, or the final boss against Sandman and Venom.

But no this game doesn't have doctor Conners in it, just some smart dude in a wheel chair who wants to take over New York by using cross species genetics to mutate people... while riding a giant mechanical spider like wtf.

Maybe the Xbox 360/PS3 versions are great, but the wii version is awful. It doesn't have an open world, it just shoves you into a level. Also really don't like how this game essentially teases the death of Gwen Stacey... oh wait... nope this game just kills her off... like wtf. Like anyone heres who has watched ASM2 knows she dies. But because this game isn't based off the movie... sort of. It says "fuck it kill her now"
What an awful game.

It's the accurate version of centipede for home consoles in terms of the arcade game... but again, it's centipede, it's fun but I'm not going to praise them for making another centipede game. Fun game, but the amount of centipede I played in Atari 50 is annoying with how many versions they have. Still it's fine for what it is, and it's accurate, so it's good.

This is Super Mario Galaxy 2 featuring a more open levels, a planetary Mario head space ship, a rideable Yoshi, and fun new power ups. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a definite improvement over Super Mario Galaxy so much so, regardless of which your prefer, you MUST OWN BOTH, such great games. While Galaxy is in the 3D Allstars Collection, 2 sadly was not. Such a shame, yet I absolutely recommend anyone to try out Galaxy 2 on Wii and you will notice how much better it is to Galaxy. Still all Mario collectathons are amazing.

Great game so far, though it is the weakest of the 3 original Playstation remakes/remasters, Spyro and Crash are far superior to Medievil, still this game is really enjoyable.

This game was a pile of bore mostly cause levels were very repetitive and not fun. It's pretty much a beat-em up game that is has really strange difficulty spikes for no reason, especially the sand level for some reason. The fight with the shadow dragon/ weird shadowy thing with Eragon's Dragon Saphira, but it's just the final boss fight. This game was shat out after the awful movie, dont play this.

An amazing sequel to an already amazing game, Persona 5 Strikers is great change of pace with having the combat style of Dynasty Warriors mixed with Rpg elements. This is not PERSONA WARRIORS, this is Persona 5 Strikers, theres an actual story in the similar style of Persona 5, because is a direct sequel. The story is really great, showing us how even good people can go through awful things and do just as many awful things as well. But also showing us how even the Phantom Thieves can be wrong too. This game is really fun and action packed.

Only thing I wish they would've done for when it released in the states is have an update acknowledging Persona 5 Royal, considering that Kasumi is not mentioned in Strikers, and that confidants not in the main cast, do not make an appearance at all to visit the protag.

But appart from that this is a great sequel I highly recommend for any fan of Persona 5.

An amazing COD with the perfect balance of gameplay in weaponry, a great story about manipulation and hypnosis, awesome multiplayer, and Iconic zombies map, Black Ops is an absolute must play COD game.


Looks worse and plays worse than the arcade version, why would you want to play a worse version. Just stick with the arcade version as this one just is crap.

So to give context, this game had one of the worst releases I've EVER experienced. Considering that this game was halfassly released to Xbox One and PS4 users If you preorder ASM2 at Gamestop (pretty much physically) there was a week delay if you bought it as an xbox user... so that sucks ass (also this was before i had my other consoles like PS4, Switch [cause it didn't exist yet], Fat PS3 Model 1, etc, so i could only really have fun with my xbox at the time).

Anyway so this game continues from the previous entry deciding to continue the story from the first game where if you don't know... THEY KILLED OFF GWEN STACEY, so if you went into this expecting scenes with her. The video game movie alternate whatever the fuck this is, does it's own thing.
Like the first game, the only thing this relates with in terms of the movie is the name and the suit, apart from that it doesn't have anything to do with the movie.
"How so?"

So there's no electro, instead the big bad is CARNAGE which btw I'm not gonna lie, he looks amazing. BUT JESUS WHY THE HELL DID YOU SHOVE CARNAGE IN A SPIDERMAN GAME BEFORE VENOM LIKE WTF.

Also featuring character like, No Chin KIngPin, BlackCat (which to be honest is a point for any Spiderman because she is hot and best Spiderman romantic interest), Shocker, and Kraven the Hunter. WOW NOT EVEN F***ing Green Goblin.

Look I get the first game detoured from the movie, and not even featured Lizard (though that might be because it took place after the movie or some shit)
But they seriously couldn't include Electro or Green Goblin like... wtf.

I will say the suits are great though like:

Hornet Suit (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, has only been in this game)

Superior Spiderman Suit (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, has only been in this game)

Miles Morales Suit (remember this was before Marvel's Spiderman Miles Morales, so this suit was a novelty at the time)

FlipSide Suit (suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, has only been in this game)

Ricochet (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, has only been in this game)

Spider-Carnage (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, has only appeared in this game, though reason can be given because, Marvel's Spiderman 2 is barely introducing Venom, so having a suit like this in Marvel Spiderman 1 would be ridiculous, still a cool suit)

ASM2 Suit (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, which is surprising because the inferior Spiderman Suit from ASM1 is in Marvel's Spiderman, this is the only Spiderman game to feature the ASM2 suit)

Cosmic Suit (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, which is a bummer cause this is one of the strongest Spiderman suits and versions of the Webhead, the fact its not in Marvel's Spiderman is a shame... at least its in this gam- jesus most of these amazing suits are stuck on this garbage game)

Classic Black Suit (Suit is not in Marvel's Spiderman, though most likely will be in Marvel's Spiderman 2)

Great Suits Stuck in a garbage game.

The web swinging is fine, except why the hell did they add a first person direct contact web thwip into this game, literally you can just zip from wall to wall like its nothing. This game also has a cool yet repetitive asf, MENACE/HERO Meter which can be raised or drops depending on if you choose to help or not in city events, which in no way am I saying that Marvel's Spiderman gets a pass for doing this but at the same time the combat and atmosphere and look of the game makes these city events feel a lot more interesting and awesome in Marvel's Spiderman, this game literally just shows a news screen that essentially can be summed up to: "Spiderman did something good/bad"

Also having random flying guards appear when you're a menace to New York, but you can avoid them if you play those events, but they're so repetitive you just won't want to.

The stealth sections are kind of cool as the objective isn't to fight enemies more so to sneak passed them. And even then the AI is braindead so it's easy to do so. The bosses are pathetically easy with cheap hits that do a lot of damage, but once you figure out their pattern, theyre easy as hell to defeat. ESPECIALLY THE FINAL BOSS CARNAGE.
The Peter Parker sections while cool, are immediately garbage because while promotion did make it seem like you could make drastic decisions based on multiple choice answers really amounted to bull.

"What are you going to ask King Pin?"
It doesn't matter what you ask, you have to ask him all the questions, it doesn't matter what you ask first in these sections they amount to nothing, they were there to make players think "OMG I CAN EFFECT THE ENDING OR OUTCOMES IN THESE SECTIONS LIKE MASS EFFECT OR SKYRIM OR NEW VEGAS OMG OMG" when in reality its just there to pad for time.

This game is so ass the only pros are:

The Awesome unique suits to this game
Carnage (he looks cool even if his inclusion is stupid)
Black Cat (any spiderman game with Black Cat is an immediate win)

Fuck this game, don't play it.

Very fun game to this day, without a doubt an amazingly fun unique game that 100% games like Overwatch have to thank this beauty. Such a simple design multiplayer fps, with fun unique characters with unique abilities. Also considering I'm talking about the Steam version with its various new modes, maps, costumes, etc. It's such a shame that this game was never ported to future console with a live service element to make it everlasting, I think it would've been great considering an updated version for ps4/ps5, xbox consoles, and even the switch would be great for this type of game.

Still Team Fortress 2 remains a great game that is always a pleasure to play

Ok so this game I had the demo for. And I have to say that before comments "You can't criticize it because you don't have the full game and-" let me just say while it was fun having a team of pokemon with specific abilities to fight against other pokemon/pokebobbleheads would be more accurate. The game featuring a type advantage like regular games. The game was really repetitive and at times got boring, especially considering the RNG drop rate of certain pokemon. What I mean is, defeating common enemies had about a 4/12 chance of dropping (estimation by me), while a boss (usually upon more "difficult" levels had such a lowered drop rate that you could replay the level/map and fight the boss all over again, and still not obtain the boss pokemon as a playable pokemon. Was really fun at first but slowly felt more repetitive and boring.