Pizza Tower is a marvelous game with an amazing soundtrack taking influences from Games like Sonic and mainly WARIO.

The games story is very simple, Pizzaface has sent over a message to Peppino (Owner of Peppino's Pizza), and has threaten him by saying that in his tower there is a laser that is pointed directly at Peppino's Pizzeria and that if he doesn't come to the tower and attempt to stop him, he will destroy his restaurant. Peppino goes crazy and runs directly towards the tower.

The tower itself is split between 5 different areas labeled with different names, and have music that are named under different days of the week in terms of week days, each containing 4 levels per stage, and 1 boss:

1. Tower Lobby (Monday): John Gutter, Pizzascape, Ancient Cheese, Bloodsauce Dungeon.

Boss - Pepperman

2. Western District (Tuesday) - Oregano Desert, Wasteyard, Fun Farm ft Mort the Chicken, Fast Food Saloon

Boss: The Vigilante

3. Vacation Resort (Wednesday): Crusty Cove, Gnome Forest, Deep-Dish 9, Golf

Boss: The Noise

4. Slim (Thursday) - The Pig City, Peppibot Factory, OH SHIT!, Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator

5. Staff Only (Friday) - Pizza Scare, Don't Make a Sound, WAR

Final Boss: Pizzaface/Pizza Head

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The gameplay is very simple where you play as Peppino who has a boost charge that gets faster the more open area you're able to run through without colliding, gaining speed in terms of momentum. The game has Peppino obtain different power ups per level which use different abilities pertaining to said levels:

- Knight Armor (PizzaScape)- Allows for sliding via ramps but limits Peppinos jump and he can attack with it

- Bombs (Ancient Cheese) - Blows up enemies and certain destructible objects

-Fire Mouth (Oregano Desert) - When Peppino Eats this hot wing his mouth goes on fire allowing him to blow up TNT blocks by touching them and kills enemies, it also makes him faster but harder to control.

-Ghost Pepper (Wasteyard) - Turns Peppino into a ghost that allows him to phase through certain walls and dash through floating blocks. Controls feel a bit floaty, and while difficult to control at first, later becomes fun to use for it's limited time actually used.

-Mort the Chicken (Fun Farm) - Weird crossover with a generic 3D chicken character, Mort. Who has the ability to hook on to "Mort Hooks" which allows for a continuous jump via pressing the attack button on said hooks.

- Weenie Mount (Fast Food Saloon) - Now a transformation but a ridable hotdog Peppino can use to crash through walls and gains momentum really fast, the caviot is Weenie can't jump, the moment you jump, Peppino dismounts.

-Revolver (The Vigilante Boss) - Vigilante acts like a respectable cowboy, and he want's to make the fight fair, so he gives you a revolver to use in the fight.

-Barrel (Crust Cove) - Peppino get's shoved into a barrel and he can traverse to different areas in a rolling motion, but also in an arc motion depending on where he's rolling the area rolls into a verticle incline/ramp.

- Gustavo and Brick Hour! (Gnome Forest and Pig City) - Gustavo is Peppinos friend who followed him into the tower but who gets into shenanigans with a giant rat, later called Brick who he befriends. During the levels they feature in, Gustavo and Brick traverse the rest of the levels while leaving Peppino to sleep. Gustavo uses Brick as a horse/mount animal and he can use Brick by kicking him towards enemies, leaving him without Brick to run for a limited time, however Gustavo has the same run ability as Peppino, but isn't as fast, later Brick returns and the levels carry on. Usually requiring you to find 1 or 2 of the 5 missing toppings within their respective areas of the levels they're in, however you never finish a level as them as you always switch back to Peppino by the end.

-Rocket (Deep Dish 9) - Peppino gets on a rocket and controls it to get to long areas, where if close to a platform, Peppino can turn the rocket to switch directions, this is mostly just used for 1 of the 3 Secret areas in each levels.

-Greaseball (GOLF)- He's the owner of the restaurant and allows patrons to essentially play golf by having him as the ball. As you hit him, the counter increases for the amount of hits he takes, the less/limited there is the better, as it opens up areas and access to some of the 5 toppings and Gerome the Janitor who opens doors to Secret Food Treasure.

- Grind Rails (Pig City) - Allows for Peppino to grind
- Taxi (Pig City) - takes Peppinos to different map areas

- Pizza Box (Peppibot Factory) - Turns Peppino into a Pizza Box that allows him to attack and jump flap.

- Cheese Ball/Sticky Cheese (OH SHIT!)- Cheese Ball puts Peppino in a ball of cheese that rolls and smashes against destructible walls, and later leaves him cover in sticky cheese. The Sticky cheese limits movement, but allows for Peppino to stick to walls.

Pepper Pizza (Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator): Turns Peppino into a hot spicy red Peppino who has a burning ball spin jump who can cause damage and melt the ice around areas with Ice to reach secret areas, toppings, and Gerome.

- Shotgun (Don't Make a Sound) - Give's Peppino a Shotgun to fend off against the animatronics attempting to jumpscare him. It kills them instantly but it's towards the end of the level.

- War Terminal (WAR) - Computer Terminal which increases the time in the level "WAR". The entire level acts like "The Pizza Time" end portions where you run as fast to the end, same thing here except the terminals add time so you don't blow up and have to restart the level.

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Each level has there unique items, structures, amazing music, and requirements:
In terms of requirements you need to collect 5 toppings throughout the level:
1. Sausage Toppins
2. Cheese Toppins
3. Mushroom Toppins
4. Tomato Toppins
5. Pineapple Toppins (wears cool sunglasses)

You also can find 3 secret hidden bonus stages within each levels within hidden eyeballs through the levels. Each of them give you a higher score towards your rank.
Another requirement is finding Gerome the Janitor so he can open the Secret Food Treasure room (Which is required if you want the true ending) all levels contain these secret treasure rooms, except bosses.

There's a bonus requirement where you have to avoid killing the green cheese Snotty in the 4th area of the tower, however it's HIGHLY LIKELY you'll kill him on accident. If you don't you get a "SNOTTY APPROVE" badge after you complete the game.

A big thing you have to also keep in mind is maintaining a combo streak for more points, as the more points you get the faster you are to rank up.
Ranks include (For Both regular stages and bosses):

D - Awful (Regular Stage: You just ran through the level and didn't care to grab anything; Boss stage: You got hit too much and lost too many lives)

C - Bad (Regular Stage: You collected a single item, probably maintained very short combo, and thats it; Boss Stage: you got hit about 3 times but remained with 3 lives)

B - Ok (Regular Stage: You didn't care to maintain a combo, but collected some of the items; Boss: you got hit 2 times and ended up with 4 lives left)

A - Nice (Regular Stage: Rank you can get by getting a combo chain, but not necessarily requiring all items to be obtained; You got hit twice but recovered with hats)

S - Excellent (Regular Stage: Highest Rank Obtained without all items collected; Boss: you probably did get hit once, but recovered a hat and never got hit again)

P- Perfect! (Regular Stage: You got an excellent change of a combo throughout the ENTIRE STAGE, you collected all 5 Toppins, Gerome and the Secret Treasure, and went to all 3 Secret Areas while maintaining said combo. You also did a second lap of the "PIZZA TIME" segment for levels with lap 2; Boss stage: You never got a hit a single time, and only collected bonus hats dropped to increase your rank and made sure to defeat all bosses without getting hit once)

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The games bosses are all unique:

1. Pepperman - Narcissistic Artist Pepper

2. The Vigilante - Looks like a cheese slime wearing a cowboy hat, and holds a revolver but is honorable and fair. Phase 1 has you firing and avoiding shots from him while he jumps, boots slides, and uses cowboy cutouts to attack you. Phase 2 is more of the same except the sun sets and everything is black with an orange background making it harder to see and everything gets more hectic but attacks remain the same just at a faster pace. The end of the fight has you doing a final duel where you and Vigilante face eachother for a final draw.

3. The Noise - The Noid of Pizza Tower, in his fight on his stage during Phase 1 when he's on camera, he's playful. When Phase 2 Starts he unleashes more deadly weapons on Peppino.
Fun fact, at the start of the fight, there's a milisecond interval where you can damage the Noise, giving the speculation that as soon as Peppino sees the Noise he just wants to kill him.

4. Fake Peppino - A distrubing/joke character who makes fun of the corrupt/exe versions of characters, who has an overall disturbing aura around him. He looks like a taller more saggy version of Peppino with a weird smile. He uses Peppinos attacks somewhat and his music is the PIZZA TIME theme but messed up and distorted.
Phase 1 of Fake Peppino has him running around walls, throwing his head revealing a brain with eyes, and spawning more fake Peppinos to disorient you.
Phase 2 is unique since it happens immediately with no zoom in on Peppino punching fake Peppino. The area of the copycat restaurant loses it vail of similarity and reveals a disturbing, corrupt, and distorted restaurant, where fake Peppino is more violent, hectic, and fast.
There's a final Phase where all you need to do is escape Fake Peppino who's reveal his more deranged and messed up form. You don't actually defeat him, you escape him. When you escape you notice that the restaurant you were in is a rundown destroyed restaurant with the name BRUNOS PIZZA at the top.
Making many people theorize that fake Peppino is actually a Bruno, a previous victim of PizzaFace/Pizzahead who was transformed into a mimic grotesque Peppino.

5. Pizza Face/Pizza Head- Phase 1 starts with pizza head launch enemies, requiring you to throw enemies at him to hurt him, this phase is really easy.

Phase 2 is when the facade of Pizzaface is revealed and that Pizza face is just a mech used by Pizzaface, a Clown Pizza who wants to destroy Peppinos restaurant for giggles. This fight gives you a revolver again and has you fighting Pizza head by shooting at him while Pizza head uses wacky moves and attacks to cause damage to Peppino.
Phase 3 is gauntlet of previous bosses: Pepperman, The Vigilante, The Noise, and Fake Peppino, except here Peppino is angry and he wrecks all 4 previous bosses as soon as the attack option appears.
The final Phase has you doing the same to Pizza Head, only for Peppino to grab is head and smash it against the top of the tower defeating him once and for all (Maybe)

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The final part of the game has you running through all 5 parts of the tower running as fast as possible before the tower collapses, throughout the way you collect characters like Gustavo, Mort, previous bosses, etc. all before the tower collapses.
As the game ends Peppino (if all treasures have been collected) uses the treasures to revive John Gutter. The gam ends with enemies running away from the rubble of the destroyed Tower, and shows image stills of Peppino, Gustavo, Brick, and some of the bosses and enemies interacting. A very funny/eerie one where both Peppino and Fake Peppino are taking out the trash at the same time.
The game ends with Peppino enjoying a fruitful successful business full of patrons that are enemies from the stages with Gustavo, Brick, Pepperman, The Vigilante, The Noise and Noisette, and Fake Peppino all located within the photo. You also can notice that Pizzahead is there hidden in a detective coat concealing his identity so he won't get spotted.
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And that's Pizza tower!
There are a bunch of trophies to collect for different requirements along with different chef outfits (pallet swap colors) for Peppino to collect via certain requirements fufilled through the game. The games OST is full of amazing, catchy tracks worth listening to, my favorites being:

1. Oregano Mirage (Oregano Desert)
2. Tombstone Arizona (Wasteyard)
3. Yeehaw Deliveryboy (FastFood Saloon)
4. Tropical Crust (Crust Cove)
5. Cold Sphaghetti (Pizzascape Part B)
6. Way of the Pig (Pig City Part B with Gustavo and Brick)
7. On the Rocks (Satan's Choice Pizza in Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator)
8. Calzonification (The Vigilante's Theme)
9. PIZZA TIME NEVER ENDS! (Fake Peppino's Theme)

This game is such a unique and beautiful game to experience that has so much passion and soul and reaffirms the belief that if TRIPLE AAA companies can no longer make full, fun meaningful games like this, there's always indie developers who will!

Mamma mia! I highly urge all of you of getting a slice of Pizza Tower! It deserves the 5 stars!

One of the best 3D platformers. This is Kirby's first outing in an actual full 3D game for him. The game is a beautiful, artistic wonder to play. The power ups and abilities are amazing, particularly the sword, tornado, and fire abilities for me personally. Also having Kirby use ZA WARUDO timestop is an awesome bonus. This game has amazing unique levels with great implementation with the new MOUTHFUL MODE. Where they knew how to balance the use of them. Without having them overstay their welcome.

The bosses are both really fun, and really easy with a hint of challenge, but the songs that play during those encounters are amazing as well.

This game introduces a remix version of DEDEDEs theme from Star Allies, but sounding so much more superior in this game, ROAR OF DEDEDE IS AN AMAZING BOSS FIGHT SONG.

The sound track is glorious
The power ups are amazing
The stages are fun to play through with each gymic for each stage
The difficult is great for both new andold fans.
Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee are as cute as ever.
Meta Knight is as badass as ever.

This game is a pure joy. I would not call it Super Kirby Odyssey because that's more of an open world collectathon style of game. I think this fits more in line with Super Mario 3D WORLD where you get to end of the stages collecting collectibles (Star Coins for Mario 3D World, Hidden Waddle Dees in terms of Kirby) however Kirby adds more variety, requiring you to do different challenges to find certain Waddle Dees hidden among the levels. Also it's just pure joy to see, the more Waddle Dees you save, the more your town grows and expands. The post game in this game is lots of fun, I won't spoil it but the final boss for the post game and the final boss for the Ultimate Cup Z in the Colosseum are amazing.

100% check this delight of a Kirby game out, might have took a long time to get a proper 3D Kirby game, but it was worth the wait 😁🙏❤️

Poyo 0.0 ❤️

An amazing open world game that is so amazing in scale and combat. Using dragon shouts to destroy enemies and dragons. Using different weapons to mow down enemies. Expansive world with a main and A LOT OF SIDE QUESTS. Want to kill giants? go ahead. Want to become a werewolf? GO AHEAD! Want to get married! You can do that! Want to go to jail! YOU CAN DO THAT!!! ... Again just has upgraded graphics....

though IT NOW HAS CONSOLE MODS!!! YESS THIS IS AMAZING! (Recommend the Xbox mods though, not PS4)

Still can't wait for the next Elder Scrolls.

Sonic Rivals is a mini sonic game that is on the Playstation portable that mostly takes inspiration from the rush and advanced games focusing on Sonic vs his 4 Big Rivals from the generations of Sonic.
There are a total of 5 Characters in Sonic Rivals, and the point of the game is to... race your rivals lol.

The characters being:
1. Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)

2. Knuckles (second Sonic Rival, appearing first from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, later becoming Sonic's friend after the events of Sonic 3 & Knuckles)

3. Shadow (third Sonic Rival, appearing first in Sonic Adventure 2 as the opposing force to Team Sonic, Shadow being the ultimate lifeform later teams up with Sonic and sacrifices himself in the final battle of Adventure 2, only to return in Sonic Heroes surviving his fall to earth, later saving Earth once again in his very janky spinoff)

4. Silver (Fourth Sonic Rival, appearing in Sonic 06 as hero from the future who tricked by Mephiles the Dark into killing Sonic to unleashed the entity know as Iblis into destroying the world, known for being very whiny but cool in terms of his story being similar to Future Trunks, and him having Psychokinesis. Also known for the iconic and joked on quote "It's no use.")

5. Metal Sonic (Sonic's First Rival and Active Enemy, Metal Sonic first appeared in Sonic CD, in the destroyed Future of Stardust speedway where he challenges Sonic into racing him in order to save Amy, who Metal captured early on in CD, Sonic destroys Metal only for Eggman to rebuild him and has even been shown to be faster than Sonic. Another big thing is Metal Sonic has the ability to copy cat based on his Neo-Metal Sonic form from Sonic Heroes, which comes back in this game, being able to copy all other 4 characters abilities.)

The story is essentially Sonic discovering a new island called Onyx Island and Eggman captures important things to Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Knuckles in order to gather data from them. He captures Tails, the Master Emerald, Amy, Rouge... and Eggman? by turning them into cards (yes it's dumb but if you ever watched Power Rangers SPD, the SPD Rangers captured their enemies in Card Prisons, so it's not that big of a deal).
Each of the characters have their own stories except Metal Sonic who can be unlocked after finishing the game. Sonic's story is about rescuing Tails and Amy. Knuckles has to do with getting the Master Emerald back from Eggman. Shadow's Story is about Shadow figuring out what's going on with Eggman, since he recieved a distress message asking shadow for help, Shadow later finds out Eggman is not Eggman, and defeats him in order to save Rouge. Silver's story is what ties everything together where we find out that Silver has never been chasing Eggman, but in fact the true villian of Sonic Rivals is actually... EGGMAN NEGA, who wants to change the future because of the original Eggman's failure, he wants the future to change his family history. Silver Teams up with Shadow and Knuckles to stop Eggman Nega, Silver successfully defeating Nega. Later Nega turns himself accidently into a card, allowing for Silver to capture and imprison the doctor... until Sonic Rivals 2.

The stories intertwine, but have different endings for different characters, with Sonic and Knuckles respectively never meeting Eggman Nega in this game, though Shadow and Silver do. Also the stories mostly have Silver, Knuckles, and Shadow teaming up towards the end of their stories, while Sonic is sort of just there to save his friends, not so much uncover the truth of EGGMAN NEGA. The story is overall good, I think it giving more of a spotlight to the rivals is nice. Though honestly it's a shame SEGA didn't think of a story mode for Metal Sonic... shunned again after Sonic Adventure 1.

The game has a total of 5 stages, each of them focusing on you (whoever you're playing as) racing against a rival and thats about it. You do fight 5 bosses in the game, though one of them you have to fight both the final boss and metal sonic who can't be killed, is more so just an obstacle attempting to stop you from hurting the boss.

The stages are in order:

1. Forest Falls Zone (a jungle zone on Onyx Island)

2. Colosseum Highway Zone (a sunset zone that looks like a 3d version of Marble Garden Zone, which has a lot of Greek/Roman architecture in the background.)

3. Sky Park Zone (sort of fusion of Carnival Night Zone from Sonic 3 and Knuckles, mixed with aspects of Twinkle Park from Sonic Adventure 1)

4. Crystal Mountain Zone (Sort of a reference to Ice Cap Zone from Adventure and Sonic 3 and Knuckles)

5. Death Yard Zone (Sort of looks like a mix of Oil Ocean and Chemical Plant with a more orange pollution hue. It's essentially a giant Pollution factory.)

6. Meteor Base Zone (Final Zone that essentially looks like a mix of Madgear in Space with magman/lava).

There are 5 bosses in Sonic Rivals:

1. Eggman Turtle (Boss of Forest Falls Zone)
2. Eggman Falcon (Boss of Colosseum Highway Zone)
3. Metal Sonic (Second Act Boss of Sky Park Zone, you are challenge by him in a race for all characters)
4.Eggman Lynx (Boss of Crystal Mountain Zone)
5. Eggman Kong (Boss of Death Yard Zone)
6. Egg Destroyer (Final Boss of Sonic Rivals)

The game is essentially a 2 act structure where you race in 2 races then fight a boss in each stage, except for Sky Park Zone.

The game overall is an ok sonic game, but it can be frustrating in terms of some areas of the game being janky and sometimes it feels like it was made to be in order for you opponent/rival to constantly be able to keep up with you.
Rivals 2 is a major improvement over Rivals 1, but this is a good portable sonic game, even if it is short.

It's essentially Atari's version of Simon Says, its really simple and fun to play. And I get it:

"why the hell would you want to play Atari's Simon Says, except with a very horny Title?"

Well if you consider how back then games weren't made to really tell that big of stories and instead more so to make fun arcade experiences where the goal is to get a high score.
That's exactly what TOUCH ME, does.

I played this apart of the ATARI 50 COLLECTION and enjoyed my time with it, I played it apart of the "REIMAGINED" line or games and had a great time with this simple game.

Quantum honestly is one of the most fun and simple games I've played within the Atari lineup.

The entire goal is to draw circles over these planets, destroying them and rewarding you with points. Now while you can circle each planet 1 at a time, the game gives you extra points for the more you swerve around, stacking the points based upon the amount you circled.
As the game goes on, it throws hazardous objects that can kill you however if you're strategic you can circle around those as well and collect more points.
Honestly this was an amazingly fun game I will be coming back to! Enjoyed this gem on Atari 50.

This is more so a claw machine game that makes you pay actual money with an OPPORTUNITY to get these stamps to customize their Nintendo 3DS. Look to the people who are going to complain about "HOW COULD A GAME LIKE THIS EXISTS" it was nice novelty at the time and even them you didn't have to buy any of the stamps, as free games were offered and like any claw game, it's about chance and luck.

It was a novelty that one will use, but it was nice for the memories.

an awful on Rails shooter than happens to have Men in Black as the basis, with GOD AWFUL 3rd person Walking sections in short asf cramped area with awful controls (speaking in terms of the wii version) this crap is just the definition of a shitty movie tie in game that released right around the time MIB 3 was out. Don't play this shit.

Left 4 Dead is the iconic Zombie game that EVERYONE once in their life if you've ever used Steam or an Xbox 360.
The game features a terrifying run downed post apocalyptic America, overrun with infected (zombies).

The game features 4 protagonist:
- Francis (a biker with attitude who isn't that bright but is very courageous and funny)

-Louis (an office worker who can be both very smart and likeable in terms of character, however his A.I. in game is always the one that seems to do whatever it wants for no reason, sometimes wandering off to either die, or leave you behind, or taking supplies that he doesn't need),

-Zoey (Beautiful and Cute College Student who is both afraid and yet comedic when she has to be, however surviving a Zombie apocalypse is never easy, though she is the one you always want to pick to play as, because:
1. She's cute
2. She's Hot
3. She's the only Girl Character
4. She's voiced by Jen Taylor [Voice of Cortana from Halo, and Princess Peach in Mario]
Zoey is best girl)

- Bill (A veteran who has the instinct of survival who essentially understands the infected and is very tactical when it comes to attacking, and running from the infected)

The game is reliant on you working together as a team regardless of who you choose on the adventure, your team works as a unit to defend against the infected, as well as making sure you are all well supplied, and help each other out when facing the hordes.
A member of the party certainly can be killed, but at the very it doesn't leave your party completely vulnerable, as you can make it with all 3 members, or 2 members, and sometimes if you're really lucky with 1.
However, don't ever attempt to wander forward and get ahead of your group, this is not a Zombie game where you're a badass lone-wolf, YOU WILL DIE if you are not together as a group.

You could say "that's lame cause it means the game is limited to me having to stay with the group" yes but that's the point, you're not DOOM GUY or the Master Chief, you're a (Female College Student/Moronic Biker/Anxious Ex-Office Worker/ Old Veteran in his 60s), you need to work as a unit.

Now it would be a boring game if you only had to face hordes of regular zombies, but OH NO, the infected have something of their own that are to even the playing field of traversal.
These are known as the special infected, who are mutated zombies with special abilities due to the infection mutating the victims who were contaminated by it.

In L4D1 there are 5 special infected, with one of them being unplayable in VERSUS mode (i'll get to that):

- Boomer (Obese Fat People who were infected by the Green Flu which caused these individuals to essentially inflate like a balloon while having all these pustules spread all throughout their heads, necks, and stomachs. The main purpose of these infected are to do 1 simple thing:
1. Vomit on you to automatically summon a horde to your direction cause a lot of damage.
These Fatasses are easy to kill, as they are very fragile to damage, 1 hit will cause them to explode, but you will recieve no damage)

- Hunters (The best way I can describe them is they are essentially like Assassin's from Assassin's Creed, except they ludge at you, and attempt to rip out your organs [in terms of the game they just repeat an animation of them attacking you until either they get killed or they successfully kill you] and they scream whenever they ludge, they're the best to play as due to their speed, and the distance they are able to travel, they are not difficult to kill as once they land on you, they cannot stop the attack, allowing for a team mate to save you, or vice versa, they're the best to play as in versus if you just want to traverse the maps.

- Smoker (these special infected are what they sound like, essentially lung cancer people who were infected by the green flew which caused the Smokers to have a elongated tongue which is used as a means to trap the survivors/ separate them. They always take the stealth approach, positioning themselves in areas just out of view, and purposefully will attempt to take out the easiest target by sticking their tongues and latching it onto the player, dragging them towards the Smoker. If the Smoker grabs a player and is successful in pulling the survivor towards them, the Smoker will proceed to backslash the survivor while still trapped, this can be stopped by killing the Smoker. However the Smoker is not an idiot as it purposefully will try to separate a survivor NOT SPECFICALLY FOR IT TO KILL/DAMAGE THE SURVIVIOR, but to make sure that it drags it so that a Boomer can vomit on the trapped survivor, or so the Hunter can later lunge onto the play, working in unison just like the survivors).

- The Tank (This is an infected Body Builder who most likely was taking Steroids and with the mixture of the Green Flu turned them into a roided out psycho giant force of nature that will cause MAJOR DAMAGE to the party. These beasts have A LOT OF HEALTH, so much so that they will run at you, and just by them hitting you, can launch you back making you take massive damage, and they are able to summon [I say summon because the way the animation plays it shows the Tank ripping the rock from the ground, however the ground itself remains the same] a giant rock that can be thrown at hit you, ALSO CAUSING DAMAGE.
The Tank is able to hit objects that are scattered around the map towards you, that can actually down you pretty easily, like the cars. These guys take MASSIVE AMOUNT OF TIME to kill as they are not only strong, but have a lot of health. Thankfully they only appear rarely in specific areas of the map, and you know they're coming because a specific song will play, alerting you that a Tank has arrived).

- The Witch (the only unplayable special infected that essentially is woman who is either nearly naked, or wears an outfit that is tattered that cries and covers her face. DO NOT GET ANYWHERE NEAR THIS INFECTED, if you see it, stay far away from it, and turn off your light and try to sneak passed. The Witch is technically the second strongest special infected in the game, as if you were to alert her in ANYWAY via shooting, getting too close, or continuing to shine your flash light at her will cause to get angry. ALL PLAYERS will recieve an alert that one of the survivors has awoken the Witch, when this happens, you better run to your fellow survivors, or take whats coming to you, as the Witch will chase after you with this horrifying face with elongated fingers that look more like spikes, and will automatically down you upon hitting you, and will continue to damage you while you're downed. It takes a while to kill the Witch and luckily, the Witch will only aim for the 1 Player who decided to disturb her. If she successfully kills the player she will move on to the next player if another is near, however the damage she does won't be as severe.)

The game features 6/7 Campaigns however 1 of them is for survival mode only, and 3 of them are DLC maps, so if you're playing vanilla there are 4 maps. Each map is broken down into 4 different sections with each section getting harder and harder. The game will throw everything at you to stop you from getting to the safe rooms, after successfully getting to every safe room, the section of the game will load, as the previous will be unloaded and unplayable. After the 3rd safe room, you get to the end and enjoy the credits of that map. Which act like a movie which is fun.

The maps (including DLC):

1. No Mercy
2. Blood Harvest
3. Dead Air
4. Death Toll
5. Crash Course (DLC)
6. The Sacrifice (DLC) - [This DLC is further explored in L4D2, as the impact of this map, is later canonically continued in 2, with the Death of one of the L4D1 Survivors]
7. The Last Stand (DLC - Survival Map on a Light House which is non-canon, as every other Map IS CANON).

The game makes sure you prioritize on your supplies via having health packs, ammo, weapons, throwables (Molotov, grenades, pipe bombs, Boomer Biles), medicine, etc. Which you are able to share with your fellow survivors. However please know that you are able to take a primary weapon and secondary, you are not allowed 2 primaries, and if you want a melee you're going to lose your secondary, so think wisely.

The best feature is the versus mode which is a unique mode that is essentially the campaign except you are with other players who are either your party or who are playing as the special infected, and if you thought the A.I.'s were too easy, get ready because now you're playing against a real person who might know the ins and outs of the game, making it tough for you and your fellow players to traverse. It's a fun and exhilarating mode I recommend you all to play with friends.

The game makes sure you use your head along with your team, which is great. It helps a lot with the atmosphere of the game and the soundtrack as well. The animations for the infected are amazing, and unique.


L4D2 is the better package now. Reason I say this is because L4D2 features all of these previous maps, and survivors, as well as adding the features from L4D2 along with it's special infected.
So if you're planning on playing L4D, first, play it on steam as it features more options for online, solo, as well as the ability to mod. Play L4D2 as it has all the maps from L4D1 and is essentially the complete package for playing 1 and 2.

Great game, though play L4D2 on steam, don't buy the original.

It's a bird skating, the controls could be better and less clunky, it's a harmless cute game, and it's just fun. The controls could have been less janky, and more tested out. But it's a cute little game, it's a skateboarding game with birds.

Considering this is one of the first actual horror games ever made, It does a great job with the overall atmosphere and tone. Putting you in a dark house with Bats and spiders as enemies, and essentially exploring through the blocks that make up what is a house. It does become a bit repetitive remembering where everything is, but it's still a really nice retro horror/terror game. Enjoyed my time with it on Atari 50.

A unique game with Kameo being a fairy girl with the ability to transform into Monsters of distinct abilities, having fun, unique worlds and beautiful designs for both the monsters and the world of Kameo. Kameo herself being very cute and yet cool in design. Also this game has a lot of smart game design with having to use your monster transformations in order to solve puzzles for certain areas. This game is an amazing gem that sadly never received a sequel but I highly recommend anyone to check out.

This review was written before the game released

The game is a smash clone, but lacks the impact of Smash, due to the fact that overall it lacks the things that make smash fun. A lot of companies think that if they were directly to copy that would be a bad thing however it's when you take away and implement worse features that make them bad copies.

The roster is unique featuring Warner Brother characters like Superman, Batman, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Iron Giant, Bugs Bunny, Steven Universe, Garnet, Game of Thrones GIrl (Sorry don't know her name nor care to), Finn, Jake, Tom and Jerry, Velma, and Ultra Instinct Shaggy. As well as having more characters coming later like Morty from Rick and Morty, Black Adam from DC, and Stripe from Gremilins.

Now the roster is both good and bad. The reason I say it's good is because there is a unique selection, however it's bad because 24% of the roster is being taken up by DC Characters. When Black Adam gets added along with Stripe and Morty, it'll take the roster from 17 to 20, and DC character will be making 25 percent of roster, this is an issue, personally don't want to see this become like smash bros with every new entry thinking people love Fire emblem when if anything most tolerate or hate it. (good games no doubt, but too many FE characters in smash).

The gameplay is godawful, there is no dash feature like in smash where if you tilt the thumbstick twice quickly you dash or sprint towards your enemy, here characters slowly walk/walkrun to their opponent. For some reason they attempted to be different and ruined the combat by instead of chaining attacks from a simple push of the buttons, instead you have to side + neutral in order for a chain attack to work. What I mean is in smash if you press A (speaking in terms of playing with a gamecube controller) a bunch, your character can hit your opponent a lot with a repetitive chain nuetral attack, not influence by any of the directions, however here it instead switches the nuetral A, with the side A, so side A chains, but nuetral does a weird charge attack.

There is almost no impact to when you launch an opponent off screen nor does the controller vibrate, your just sort of floats off and they're dead, oh no. It doesn't have the impact of knocking someone out like in smash.

The game is very lacking and is a worse version of smash, CAN IT GET BETTER? yes, they are adding more characters, but they need to fix the speed of the game, they need to make knock outs more impactful. And for the roster add more unique characters that ARE NOT DC Characters.

For right now just stick to smash. This game luckily is free but is not good enough from to switch from playing smash to this.

Another great entry in the Yakuza franchise, this spinoff takes all the issues that Kenzan has and perfects it. Better gameplay and music, and heat moves. Also less annoying minigames and more so fun minigames. Kyoto is amazing to explore, both in Kenzan with Gion, and Ishin with Kyoto, having new areas to explore that isn't Kamorucho is always a treat. Ryoma Sakamoto/Saigo Hajime (Kiryu Kazuma) is an amazing character, and his duality with Takechi Hanpeda (yakuza newcomer/only game this character appears in) is amazing. Characters played by Yakuza characters are equally as amazing: Ogita (Goro Majima), Nagakura (Taega Saeijima), Hijikata (Yoshitaka Mine), Nakaoka (Makoto Date), Katsura Kogoro (Shun Akiyama), Saigo Kichinosuke (Ryuji Goda), etc. It's always a joy to see the characters act both similarly and differently. The amount of weapons and attacks is amazing. The story is amazing all throughout, with usual "cliche" parts being turned on his head. Enemies turn friends, and friends enemies, and amazing bosses, especially the final boss. And the music is GODLY, if you hated the gameplay and music in Kenzan, this game improves on all aspects of Kenzan. Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin/ Yakuza Ishin is a treat to play that sadly, like Kenzan, Black Panther 1 and 2, are stuck in japan. I imported this game and am able to read Kanji, but I also needed to use a guide in order to play this game. The KHH help tenfolds in helping me figuring out what to do in certain parts of the game.

So I recommend this game absolutely if you're willing to put in the effort into either following KHH's guide or knowing kanji.

This is an amazing Yakuza game, asolutely recommend! 😎👍⭐️

I one day hope they bring these games: Ishin and Kenzan to the West in a collection along with Black Panther 1 and 2. Call it "Yakuza Lost Legacy Collection" or something.
These games deserve to come to the west.


Neo the World Ends with you is the Sequel to the World Ends with You: Final Remix and has a great story, as well as characters, and good yet repetitively annoying gameplay incomparison to the first game.

Neo allows you to have a group of party members (up to 6) compared to its predecessor which was mainly just partners. The new characters are enjoyable and funny, and the returning characters are a treat and emotional to witness all grown up.

The game is a great sequel which only suffers from 1 slight set back... levels go on for way too long, I understand the reason for this is because the original TWEWY was a DS Game (as Well as Ported to Mobile and to Switch), so the legend of TWEWY, was at the very least a long game for a ds game at the time. So I understand the length of the game needed to be extended. However the issue becomes when the game starts padding out levels to no end.

The beginning of the game is great, the middle is where it slogs and drags way too much that it can honestly make you want to quit halfway through. The biggest levels at fault for this issue are Week 1 Day 7, Week 2 Day 6 and 7, the game pads these levels out with the game stopping your for long drawn out dialogue conversations, or repetitive noise enemy encounters.

However... If you stick it out though, towards the end/final weeks you start to enjoy the game again and seeing characters from the previous game appear is so sweet, and the story get really good and emotional. Also the music really goes all out towards the end.

I myself nearly quit after reaching Week 2 Day 7 and witnessing that day, really was padded out, but luckily I pushed through, and was able to finish. I think this is a game where you play it once and never again, but if you're planning on playing it, try to enjoy it, you'll find it very enjoyable, and a worthy sequel to the original