Left 4 Dead is the iconic Zombie game that EVERYONE once in their life if you've ever used Steam or an Xbox 360.
The game features a terrifying run downed post apocalyptic America, overrun with infected (zombies).

The game features 4 protagonist:
- Francis (a biker with attitude who isn't that bright but is very courageous and funny)

-Louis (an office worker who can be both very smart and likeable in terms of character, however his A.I. in game is always the one that seems to do whatever it wants for no reason, sometimes wandering off to either die, or leave you behind, or taking supplies that he doesn't need),

-Zoey (Beautiful and Cute College Student who is both afraid and yet comedic when she has to be, however surviving a Zombie apocalypse is never easy, though she is the one you always want to pick to play as, because:
1. She's cute
2. She's Hot
3. She's the only Girl Character
4. She's voiced by Jen Taylor [Voice of Cortana from Halo, and Princess Peach in Mario]
Zoey is best girl)

- Bill (A veteran who has the instinct of survival who essentially understands the infected and is very tactical when it comes to attacking, and running from the infected)

The game is reliant on you working together as a team regardless of who you choose on the adventure, your team works as a unit to defend against the infected, as well as making sure you are all well supplied, and help each other out when facing the hordes.
A member of the party certainly can be killed, but at the very it doesn't leave your party completely vulnerable, as you can make it with all 3 members, or 2 members, and sometimes if you're really lucky with 1.
However, don't ever attempt to wander forward and get ahead of your group, this is not a Zombie game where you're a badass lone-wolf, YOU WILL DIE if you are not together as a group.

You could say "that's lame cause it means the game is limited to me having to stay with the group" yes but that's the point, you're not DOOM GUY or the Master Chief, you're a (Female College Student/Moronic Biker/Anxious Ex-Office Worker/ Old Veteran in his 60s), you need to work as a unit.

Now it would be a boring game if you only had to face hordes of regular zombies, but OH NO, the infected have something of their own that are to even the playing field of traversal.
These are known as the special infected, who are mutated zombies with special abilities due to the infection mutating the victims who were contaminated by it.

In L4D1 there are 5 special infected, with one of them being unplayable in VERSUS mode (i'll get to that):

- Boomer (Obese Fat People who were infected by the Green Flu which caused these individuals to essentially inflate like a balloon while having all these pustules spread all throughout their heads, necks, and stomachs. The main purpose of these infected are to do 1 simple thing:
1. Vomit on you to automatically summon a horde to your direction cause a lot of damage.
These Fatasses are easy to kill, as they are very fragile to damage, 1 hit will cause them to explode, but you will recieve no damage)

- Hunters (The best way I can describe them is they are essentially like Assassin's from Assassin's Creed, except they ludge at you, and attempt to rip out your organs [in terms of the game they just repeat an animation of them attacking you until either they get killed or they successfully kill you] and they scream whenever they ludge, they're the best to play as due to their speed, and the distance they are able to travel, they are not difficult to kill as once they land on you, they cannot stop the attack, allowing for a team mate to save you, or vice versa, they're the best to play as in versus if you just want to traverse the maps.

- Smoker (these special infected are what they sound like, essentially lung cancer people who were infected by the green flew which caused the Smokers to have a elongated tongue which is used as a means to trap the survivors/ separate them. They always take the stealth approach, positioning themselves in areas just out of view, and purposefully will attempt to take out the easiest target by sticking their tongues and latching it onto the player, dragging them towards the Smoker. If the Smoker grabs a player and is successful in pulling the survivor towards them, the Smoker will proceed to backslash the survivor while still trapped, this can be stopped by killing the Smoker. However the Smoker is not an idiot as it purposefully will try to separate a survivor NOT SPECFICALLY FOR IT TO KILL/DAMAGE THE SURVIVIOR, but to make sure that it drags it so that a Boomer can vomit on the trapped survivor, or so the Hunter can later lunge onto the play, working in unison just like the survivors).

- The Tank (This is an infected Body Builder who most likely was taking Steroids and with the mixture of the Green Flu turned them into a roided out psycho giant force of nature that will cause MAJOR DAMAGE to the party. These beasts have A LOT OF HEALTH, so much so that they will run at you, and just by them hitting you, can launch you back making you take massive damage, and they are able to summon [I say summon because the way the animation plays it shows the Tank ripping the rock from the ground, however the ground itself remains the same] a giant rock that can be thrown at hit you, ALSO CAUSING DAMAGE.
The Tank is able to hit objects that are scattered around the map towards you, that can actually down you pretty easily, like the cars. These guys take MASSIVE AMOUNT OF TIME to kill as they are not only strong, but have a lot of health. Thankfully they only appear rarely in specific areas of the map, and you know they're coming because a specific song will play, alerting you that a Tank has arrived).

- The Witch (the only unplayable special infected that essentially is woman who is either nearly naked, or wears an outfit that is tattered that cries and covers her face. DO NOT GET ANYWHERE NEAR THIS INFECTED, if you see it, stay far away from it, and turn off your light and try to sneak passed. The Witch is technically the second strongest special infected in the game, as if you were to alert her in ANYWAY via shooting, getting too close, or continuing to shine your flash light at her will cause to get angry. ALL PLAYERS will recieve an alert that one of the survivors has awoken the Witch, when this happens, you better run to your fellow survivors, or take whats coming to you, as the Witch will chase after you with this horrifying face with elongated fingers that look more like spikes, and will automatically down you upon hitting you, and will continue to damage you while you're downed. It takes a while to kill the Witch and luckily, the Witch will only aim for the 1 Player who decided to disturb her. If she successfully kills the player she will move on to the next player if another is near, however the damage she does won't be as severe.)

The game features 6/7 Campaigns however 1 of them is for survival mode only, and 3 of them are DLC maps, so if you're playing vanilla there are 4 maps. Each map is broken down into 4 different sections with each section getting harder and harder. The game will throw everything at you to stop you from getting to the safe rooms, after successfully getting to every safe room, the section of the game will load, as the previous will be unloaded and unplayable. After the 3rd safe room, you get to the end and enjoy the credits of that map. Which act like a movie which is fun.

The maps (including DLC):

1. No Mercy
2. Blood Harvest
3. Dead Air
4. Death Toll
5. Crash Course (DLC)
6. The Sacrifice (DLC) - [This DLC is further explored in L4D2, as the impact of this map, is later canonically continued in 2, with the Death of one of the L4D1 Survivors]
7. The Last Stand (DLC - Survival Map on a Light House which is non-canon, as every other Map IS CANON).

The game makes sure you prioritize on your supplies via having health packs, ammo, weapons, throwables (Molotov, grenades, pipe bombs, Boomer Biles), medicine, etc. Which you are able to share with your fellow survivors. However please know that you are able to take a primary weapon and secondary, you are not allowed 2 primaries, and if you want a melee you're going to lose your secondary, so think wisely.

The best feature is the versus mode which is a unique mode that is essentially the campaign except you are with other players who are either your party or who are playing as the special infected, and if you thought the A.I.'s were too easy, get ready because now you're playing against a real person who might know the ins and outs of the game, making it tough for you and your fellow players to traverse. It's a fun and exhilarating mode I recommend you all to play with friends.

The game makes sure you use your head along with your team, which is great. It helps a lot with the atmosphere of the game and the soundtrack as well. The animations for the infected are amazing, and unique.


L4D2 is the better package now. Reason I say this is because L4D2 features all of these previous maps, and survivors, as well as adding the features from L4D2 along with it's special infected.
So if you're planning on playing L4D, first, play it on steam as it features more options for online, solo, as well as the ability to mod. Play L4D2 as it has all the maps from L4D1 and is essentially the complete package for playing 1 and 2.

Great game, though play L4D2 on steam, don't buy the original.


ABZÛ is Relaxing game created by the same developers who created journey on PS3 along with Flow and Flow-er.

To keep things simple the story is a simple story about how beautiful the ocean is, and how people usually take it for granted and the creatures living within it. Since the main menace Are these mechanical pyramids that induce electricity and Shock fishes to death, is the main antagonist of this game period now there are no boss fights in this game keep in mind, this game is purely for exploration and while it does have linear segments, the game is a relaxing wonderful time.


I'm not 100% sure if the protagonist's name is ABZÛ, but for the sake of it I'll just call them "THE DIVER",
In this game you played the diver who goes around restoring dilapidated, destroyed and lifeless part of the ocean and restores them with wildlife of different varieties.

You come to face-to-face with the cause of all of this death and quietness in the form of the Giantic robotic Pyramid and its Shocking Pyramid Mines.

Throughout the game, the Diver encounters a great white shark that's a bit feisty but it's just acting like a regular shark would, it's a peaceful creature with no evil intent. At 1 point the Diver saves the shark who is collapsed underneath one of these destroyed mines, in a way it thanks Jim.
Around during Chapter 5 is when you enter the mechanical base and come face to face with the Giant Pyramid. We learn the plan is the sap then energy from the Diver in order to stop him from being able to restore the wildlife and vegetation. The Great White shark attempts to attack its robotic eye, angering the machine and Shocking you both to near death.

The diver awakens and sees the shark dying... it gives it a final hug before it leaves the mortal realm.

The game has the diver explorer and underwater city similar to that of Atlantis with matte paintings of what look like people of the same race of the divers, and it appears they were all worshiping and carrying for the sea creatures around them. This plain of alterlife also has creatures no longer existing in terms of fish not found except for billions of years ago.

The Diver leaves the peaceful land and appears in the spirit realm (this is the realm you go to when restoring the ecosystem in the previous chapters). Here the diver releases the spirit of the Great White for its peaceful after life, and the Shark takes them back to the plane of existence to restore the ocean and destroy the Pyramid ones and for all.
They end up doing so and the game ends with the base being turned into a beautiful vegetative sight for more sea wildlife... and the game ends.


The controls of the game are both simple to understand but also confusing where you boost with a specific input by pressing, and using (in my case a controller) the left stick to maneuver left and right, but the up and down feel like submarine or space controls where if you move the left stick down the character will do a full flip disorienting you, most of the time you'll be fighting the movement and camera controls. The amount of times you have to press the boost button is annoying as well.
The game features a signal that essentally is the "press this button to do everything a Yellow triangle is indicating you to do" button.

Lastly (and this is an optional thing, except for the final chapter and 2 achievements), the game features the ability to ride fish bigger or of the same size as the Diver.


Puzzles in the game are quiet simple and don't really count as puzzles, as again you just have to open doors by either filling In altars with water, or press a button a chain puller in order to open doors, so nothing too painful to do.


The game has 3 collectibles scattered throughout each chapter, except chapter 5, and 1 even in the credits:

-Secret Pools - Coral Pools that once interacted with bring out new wild life to the area that happens to fit said new wild life's real life habitat.

- Shells - Ammonite shells (a prehistoric Cuddle fish of sorts) that you can collect throughout all the chapters except Chapter 5, when collected they are transfered to the "spirit realm" where you can see them in the structure in a beautiful ghostly glow.

- Meditation Statues: statues you can interact with that allows you to relax and enjoy the simulation of fish within the game based on real actual fishes! You might even learn the name of some you didn't know before.


Overall ABZÛ is a beautiful artistic video game that is confusing in terms of what it's actual story might be, but context clues can help you understand the underlying message of... protect the beautiful ocean and its wildlife, don't let our machines and our egos destroy these innocent creatures.

And I agree, this game is a beautiful piece to play, but probably once or twice or if you want to just relax and watching simulated fish.

I highly recommend ABZÛ.

Played on my Steam Deck

Absolute Evolution and game changer for gaming in general. An amazing experience for all players, amazing story with amazing characters in Cortana, Chief, and Arbiter. A emotional ending. Badass multiplayer and forge. An amazing game to own on any Xbox or PC

This is more so a claw machine game that makes you pay actual money with an OPPORTUNITY to get these stamps to customize their Nintendo 3DS. Look to the people who are going to complain about "HOW COULD A GAME LIKE THIS EXISTS" it was nice novelty at the time and even them you didn't have to buy any of the stamps, as free games were offered and like any claw game, it's about chance and luck.

It was a novelty that one will use, but it was nice for the memories.

This review was written before the game released

The game is a smash clone, but lacks the impact of Smash, due to the fact that overall it lacks the things that make smash fun. A lot of companies think that if they were directly to copy that would be a bad thing however it's when you take away and implement worse features that make them bad copies.

The roster is unique featuring Warner Brother characters like Superman, Batman, Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Iron Giant, Bugs Bunny, Steven Universe, Garnet, Game of Thrones GIrl (Sorry don't know her name nor care to), Finn, Jake, Tom and Jerry, Velma, and Ultra Instinct Shaggy. As well as having more characters coming later like Morty from Rick and Morty, Black Adam from DC, and Stripe from Gremilins.

Now the roster is both good and bad. The reason I say it's good is because there is a unique selection, however it's bad because 24% of the roster is being taken up by DC Characters. When Black Adam gets added along with Stripe and Morty, it'll take the roster from 17 to 20, and DC character will be making 25 percent of roster, this is an issue, personally don't want to see this become like smash bros with every new entry thinking people love Fire emblem when if anything most tolerate or hate it. (good games no doubt, but too many FE characters in smash).

The gameplay is godawful, there is no dash feature like in smash where if you tilt the thumbstick twice quickly you dash or sprint towards your enemy, here characters slowly walk/walkrun to their opponent. For some reason they attempted to be different and ruined the combat by instead of chaining attacks from a simple push of the buttons, instead you have to side + neutral in order for a chain attack to work. What I mean is in smash if you press A (speaking in terms of playing with a gamecube controller) a bunch, your character can hit your opponent a lot with a repetitive chain nuetral attack, not influence by any of the directions, however here it instead switches the nuetral A, with the side A, so side A chains, but nuetral does a weird charge attack.

There is almost no impact to when you launch an opponent off screen nor does the controller vibrate, your just sort of floats off and they're dead, oh no. It doesn't have the impact of knocking someone out like in smash.

The game is very lacking and is a worse version of smash, CAN IT GET BETTER? yes, they are adding more characters, but they need to fix the speed of the game, they need to make knock outs more impactful. And for the roster add more unique characters that ARE NOT DC Characters.

For right now just stick to smash. This game luckily is free but is not good enough from to switch from playing smash to this.

an awful on Rails shooter than happens to have Men in Black as the basis, with GOD AWFUL 3rd person Walking sections in short asf cramped area with awful controls (speaking in terms of the wii version) this crap is just the definition of a shitty movie tie in game that released right around the time MIB 3 was out. Don't play this shit.

Gravity rush 2 is the sequel to the critically acclaimed and well beloved 1st gravity rush.

And while visually the game has had a major improvement, and the controls have been overhauled, I can genuinely say that this game is somehow worse than the 1st. Keep in mind that I really did enjoy the 1st game, and usually for a sequel especially if you come from the PS Vita game that later got a ps4 remaster, then go into the sequel already on the ps4, you except improvements.

I can definitely say that the controls here are somehow worse than the 1st game, in the sense that while Kat is easier to control, For some reason the lock on, cause I guess you can kind of say this game does have a lock on future, is just downright broken. Because just because you were able to lock onto an enemy, and when you gravity kick, it doesn't mean that the attack is actually going to land; that's not because the enemy moves out of the way or anything, it's just because for some random reason the flow of gravity will just knock you into every single thing that isn't the enemy.

The camera is just the most annoying thing in the entire game because it honest-to-God feels like the camera is fighting you throughout the entire game, and I urge you to turn off the motion sensitivity, this is essentially the game making it so the gyro control in your controller can control the camera which is the most annoying thing cause you can end up accidentally aiming somewhere where you don't want it to so I suggest just putting the sensitivity down to 0.

The story is interesting, I guess I can break it down into 3 different parts, parts 1 and 2 are good having to deal with understanding pain, and trying to control the world's one own need is selfish. I believe the characters they introduced in terms of Lisa, Ceici, Yogo, and a few others are good. Raven is always great to see as always.

Sadly most of the characters who returned from the 1st game don't really play much of an impact, up until the end but even then I guess you can say that the 1st game did that but it's kind of a shame because they could have played a bigger part.

Challenges here are actually more fun as even though some of the gold medals are hard to get, they are at the very least achievable and it feels like you can actually realistically get them and doesn't feel like the game is going too crazy with what it demands to get said gold like in the first. It's actually an improvement over the 1st game's challenges.

What I can say is the side missions are downright horrible I cannot remember a single one except for the 1 where you have to take an old man to different spots throughout the town and later Kat sings a song that reminds the old man of his which was a really touching moment.

Another one I could probably mention is the asshole father, Who essentially doesn't want his daughter to date somebody who's poor and in the 1st mission you meet him in hes an absolute jackass and unlikable.
In the 2nd mission with this jackass, the boyfriend defends the father, and he does accept the boy to date his daughter, it doesn't make him any less of a jackass for how he acts.

Also I don't like how after everything that happened in the 1st game, the city still treats Kat like shit.
And I get it, after time passes people tend to forget big moments.

Like for example if there was a war going on in real life right now, and let's say we won the war - Like yeah it's amazing right now (in terms of when it's finally over) but in like the far future, it probably wouldn't mean much to people in said future, but considering I think this barely a 3 year gap, it makes it seem like the town is full of entitled asshats.

I think the addition of the new location was always nice, however as soon as they brought back the old city from the 1st game, the new city kind of just lags behind and you kind of just realize that the game both in the 2nd half and last half are mainly just set in the 1st game's city... kind of making it seem like that new area was both established to be its own thing, but I guess the developers didn't like it, but I personally did.

The game has a lot of awful missions, especially the biggest issue which everybody has probably been pointing out, that being the stealth missions and having to follow some random jackass to one location either take a picture, or eavesdrop on them. It literally is just a waste of time and feels like a chore.

I can say that the story is good in my opinion, you're not going to like the controls of the sequel, you'll actually somehow be shocked how much worse the sequels controls are compared to the 1st games, but the story itself is not so much more an improvement... but more so a continuation of the first game's story to both fill in gaps and answer questions with a new menace. The overarching story tied in both games was great.

Before I get to the endings though, let me just say that I played The Raven DLC after finishing the game and getting the true ending, I will say that Raven's DLC seemed sort of like a retconning and changing of timelines just because the developers has no clue what the hell to do with the kids on the ark and Zaza (Raven's/Sachya's brother).

In terms of story, they do a good job with Raven's DLC, so that even if you do have an issue with it at the very least, it's a good way to kind of close the book on that left question from the previous game, I also appreciate that the 3rd part of Gravity Rush 2 addresses the questions from the previous games flashbacks.

I will definitely say that in terms of design, the bosses look amazing, they're just not fun to fight against.

Now obviously there's doesn't apply to all bosses, I think the 1v1 fights Against enemies that are similar to that of the gravity powers like for example you fight a mind-controlled Raven, you fight one of the last bosses who's like this electricity girl named Elektricitie, you fight Kali who's this angel type girl; Those fights are fun because you have the open area to fight in and you're not in a tight space area to fight a singular boss who just happens to be giant.

Now this wouldn't be an issue however the final bosses in both part 2 and the final part, even though they're in the city and the city has an opened area, where you fight them, they only remain in THAT AREA, so the camera has issues again. The final boss is actually really cool, it sort of reminds me of one of the demons from Doom.

Gravity Rush 2 has a good story that I think everybody should check out, however the biggest issue for me with this game apart from the controls that are somehow worse than the 1st, is my biggest issue is the game feels like a chore to play.

If your game feels like something where I have to motivate myself in order to play it because you're not giving me things that are cool to motivate me to want to play it, and I'm only continuing it just because I know that when I finish it I'll probably never play it again... that shows that you should have made your game play more fun and less time consuming.

So overall I can't say it's better than the 1st game, the story is really good, but everything else from the game play to the side missions, so even the regular missions that aren't boss fights that are one 1v1, is just a chore.

I recommend for the story, not so much the game play, so I just honestly suggest watching the story online.

I do hope one day that Gravity Rush 3 comes out and they improve and actually fix a lot of the issues that 2 has.

Thanks for reading!

Another great entry in the Yakuza franchise, this spinoff takes all the issues that Kenzan has and perfects it. Better gameplay and music, and heat moves. Also less annoying minigames and more so fun minigames. Kyoto is amazing to explore, both in Kenzan with Gion, and Ishin with Kyoto, having new areas to explore that isn't Kamorucho is always a treat. Ryoma Sakamoto/Saigo Hajime (Kiryu Kazuma) is an amazing character, and his duality with Takechi Hanpeda (yakuza newcomer/only game this character appears in) is amazing. Characters played by Yakuza characters are equally as amazing: Ogita (Goro Majima), Nagakura (Taega Saeijima), Hijikata (Yoshitaka Mine), Nakaoka (Makoto Date), Katsura Kogoro (Shun Akiyama), Saigo Kichinosuke (Ryuji Goda), etc. It's always a joy to see the characters act both similarly and differently. The amount of weapons and attacks is amazing. The story is amazing all throughout, with usual "cliche" parts being turned on his head. Enemies turn friends, and friends enemies, and amazing bosses, especially the final boss. And the music is GODLY, if you hated the gameplay and music in Kenzan, this game improves on all aspects of Kenzan. Ryu ga Gotoku Ishin/ Yakuza Ishin is a treat to play that sadly, like Kenzan, Black Panther 1 and 2, are stuck in japan. I imported this game and am able to read Kanji, but I also needed to use a guide in order to play this game. The KHH help tenfolds in helping me figuring out what to do in certain parts of the game.

So I recommend this game absolutely if you're willing to put in the effort into either following KHH's guide or knowing kanji.

This is an amazing Yakuza game, asolutely recommend! 😎👍⭐️

I one day hope they bring these games: Ishin and Kenzan to the West in a collection along with Black Panther 1 and 2. Call it "Yakuza Lost Legacy Collection" or something.
These games deserve to come to the west.


A unique game with Kameo being a fairy girl with the ability to transform into Monsters of distinct abilities, having fun, unique worlds and beautiful designs for both the monsters and the world of Kameo. Kameo herself being very cute and yet cool in design. Also this game has a lot of smart game design with having to use your monster transformations in order to solve puzzles for certain areas. This game is an amazing gem that sadly never received a sequel but I highly recommend anyone to check out.

Neo the World Ends with you is the Sequel to the World Ends with You: Final Remix and has a great story, as well as characters, and good yet repetitively annoying gameplay incomparison to the first game.

Neo allows you to have a group of party members (up to 6) compared to its predecessor which was mainly just partners. The new characters are enjoyable and funny, and the returning characters are a treat and emotional to witness all grown up.

The game is a great sequel which only suffers from 1 slight set back... levels go on for way too long, I understand the reason for this is because the original TWEWY was a DS Game (as Well as Ported to Mobile and to Switch), so the legend of TWEWY, was at the very least a long game for a ds game at the time. So I understand the length of the game needed to be extended. However the issue becomes when the game starts padding out levels to no end.

The beginning of the game is great, the middle is where it slogs and drags way too much that it can honestly make you want to quit halfway through. The biggest levels at fault for this issue are Week 1 Day 7, Week 2 Day 6 and 7, the game pads these levels out with the game stopping your for long drawn out dialogue conversations, or repetitive noise enemy encounters.

However... If you stick it out though, towards the end/final weeks you start to enjoy the game again and seeing characters from the previous game appear is so sweet, and the story get really good and emotional. Also the music really goes all out towards the end.

I myself nearly quit after reaching Week 2 Day 7 and witnessing that day, really was padded out, but luckily I pushed through, and was able to finish. I think this is a game where you play it once and never again, but if you're planning on playing it, try to enjoy it, you'll find it very enjoyable, and a worthy sequel to the original

While this series of Marios games is lauded in infamy thanks to it's repetitive nature. New Super Mario Bros Wii is a great game to play because at the time it was a new Super Mario 2d game. And this game is actually really fun. Only thing is though, idc what anyone says, the multiplayer in all these games, except for in U DELUXE, is god awful.

Still though this is a great game, I wouldn't recommend any other game in this series of Mario games, other than U Deluxe.

Fun yet difficult to master Nintendo classic, only thing is I played the Mr Dream version, not Mike Tyson one.

This game is just for looking at the hot woman wrestle, the controls are awful and contradictory, but still a very fun game to play with friends, also for just looking at hot woman.

From what I played, it was fun, voice acting was bad. But keep in mind when I played this I was a young kid who was more interested in the usual "MARIO, SONIC, BIG MAIN STREAM GAME YADADADA" (not to say I don't like those types of games, but I've broaden my horizons with different consoles and I now love to see all different types of amazing games/experiences)
Still from what I played, it's a fun hack and slash/jrpg game that I will revisit whenever I have the chance now as an Adult

Overall a very interesting story, fun unique gameplay though it did get a bit repetitive, the characters were somewhat likeable but also underdeveloped, some you care for others you don't.
The difficulty spikes were noticeable but with enough skill you could figure out the tricks to getting passed certain bosses (though if you're like me and hate using your head and instead like being strong and grinding to high levels making bosses feel like cheap enemies, then you won't notice it).

The story was really cool, I think traveling to a parallel dimension was awesome.

I think a big con for me is lack of voice acting, even if someone could say " you would've gotten a shitty dub" a dub is better than no dub. I think parts that show emotion with Narumi, Kaya, and ESPECIALLY THAT SCENE WITH GOUTO DOUJI needed voice actors. Even comedic moments with Narumi lack voice actors so it makes the joke not hit as hard when reading it.

Overall I have to say very highly rated SMT game that deserves the praise,
I had a really enjoyable time with it, In terms of story it's better than 5 and nocturne, and while the gameplay is unique, I had more fun with smt Nocturne and V in terms of gameplay. Overall have to give it a 8/10 for story, 7/10 for gameplay, 3/10 for characters, and 9/10 for the environments, for an overall rating of 7.5/10, or in terms of stars 4/5 stars