This game was a pile of bore mostly cause levels were very repetitive and not fun. It's pretty much a beat-em up game that is has really strange difficulty spikes for no reason, especially the sand level for some reason. The fight with the shadow dragon/ weird shadowy thing with Eragon's Dragon Saphira, but it's just the final boss fight. This game was shat out after the awful movie, dont play this.

An amazing open world game that is so amazing in scale and combat. Using dragon shouts to destroy enemies and dragons. Using different weapons to mow down enemies. Expansive world with a main and A LOT OF SIDE QUESTS. Want to kill giants? go ahead. Want to become a werewolf? GO AHEAD! Want to get married! You can do that! Want to go to jail! YOU CAN DO THAT!!! This is a great entry into the elder scrolls franchise, can't wait for Elder scrolls 6.

This is Super Mario Galaxy 2 featuring a more open levels, a planetary Mario head space ship, a rideable Yoshi, and fun new power ups. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a definite improvement over Super Mario Galaxy so much so, regardless of which your prefer, you MUST OWN BOTH, such great games. While Galaxy is in the 3D Allstars Collection, 2 sadly was not. Such a shame, yet I absolutely recommend anyone to try out Galaxy 2 on Wii and you will notice how much better it is to Galaxy. Still all Mario collectathons are amazing.

Guilty pleasure the video game. A game that you know is just cause the ladies are hot. Still recommend if you're going in knowing that already.

Very fun game to this day, without a doubt an amazingly fun unique game that 100% games like Overwatch have to thank this beauty. Such a simple design multiplayer fps, with fun unique characters with unique abilities. Also considering I'm talking about the Steam version with its various new modes, maps, costumes, etc. It's such a shame that this game was never ported to future console with a live service element to make it everlasting, I think it would've been great considering an updated version for ps4/ps5, xbox consoles, and even the switch would be great for this type of game.

Still Team Fortress 2 remains a great game that is always a pleasure to play

This game has a very SCP CONTAINMENT BREACH- esk story and setting, though I just found it to be very boring, will attempt to play again, but Jesus was it very boring.

Mediocre Dragon Ball Z Game, might have been more "OPEN WORLD" but it was very lackluster just another retelling of Dragon Ball Z, not even including any content from Super in terms of Universe 6, Goku Black, Copy Vegeta, etc. Massive Disappointment and a complete bore I 100%ed

Dark Souls + Waifus + Vampires, this game is great fun, both solo and multiplayer. And the story and characters are nice too. Really a fun game.

This game is a treat to not only own, but also one of the best if the not. The best jojo fighting games, that is actually competitive. Thanks to the amazing fighting game company capcom (obviously they're known for other genres, though for fighting they hit the nail always... or nearly perfect) so you know this game is a treat to play. At first figuring out inputs is difficult like any fighting game but that's specificially if you're barely learning which moves are which without a combo list. The cast of characters from Part 1-3 are great (majority is taken up by Stardust Crusaders characters, however Joseph and Jonathan [Battle Tendency] are here)

The game is a treat for jojo fans and a enjoyable time for fighting fans.

Only thing is that this game is only really able to be played Emulated, as physical copies go for $250 (disc only) to $600 complete (atleast on ebay). I luckily was able to get a disc and got a reproduction case and I officially own this game in English that works with my PS3 (FAT MODEL 1). If there was any possible way of getting this game again digitally for switch, ps4/ps5, Xbox consoles, steam that would be a treat, but that's going to be nearly impossible now due to Bandai, but at the very least we're getting ALL STAR BATTLE R [hopefully with more characters]

If you love jojo or want a great unique classic fighter I recommend Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future, Emulated, or if you can afford it, get a physical copy of this rare amazing capcom fighting gem 😎👍🏻

I'm gonna say this, while the story is enjoyable, I'm really confused as to how some people find this game better than the Persona and SMT stories.

The good thing about full body is if you're playing in Japanese, you can select the voice of Catherine to be any of the girls from Persona 3-5.
For me, Catherine full body is a fun puzzle game with a funny story, and an ok Multiplayer mode.

The only big con is Vincent is a garbage character. I don't care if you want to say " he's realistic and he has more "depth" than the Persona and smt protags"

While the protags in Persona don't talk, with aspects like the animes (being the most accurate) and manga (Though it varies), they still show a ray of emotions, that are likable. There are certain things that happen around them that in the anime they react to weirdly, and could get a negative reaction from viewer. However to contrast that is the games which is player choice.

Vincent is just an awful person all around. He's in a loveless romance with a beautiful girlfriend, Katherine. And while he doesn't cheat, he still doesn't even try to come forward and tell Katherine up until the breaking point.

I got the ending with Catherine which I enjoyed heavily.

However the amount of levels is really long and repetitive. And the questions at the end of each level somehow lead to a ending. Which I'm happy I ended up with the ending I did. But for the other endings, I did not care to play through this game again. I know about the Rin ending, personally I don't care to see those ending, because of how repetitive I found the levels to be, and having to go through all the questions again just to see a 5 minute cutscene (especially on the Switch where there are no trophies to obtain) so at that point just watch the other endings on YouTube.

The game is great if you want difficult puzzle solving game with a fun story, and an unlikable protag who only redeems himself mostly by some of the endings. Hes still an asshole , fuck Vincent. Rin is cute. His friends are really great characters.
Love Catherine and Katherine tho.

Still I can't give this more than 2.5

Ok so this game I had the demo for. And I have to say that before comments "You can't criticize it because you don't have the full game and-" let me just say while it was fun having a team of pokemon with specific abilities to fight against other pokemon/pokebobbleheads would be more accurate. The game featuring a type advantage like regular games. The game was really repetitive and at times got boring, especially considering the RNG drop rate of certain pokemon. What I mean is, defeating common enemies had about a 4/12 chance of dropping (estimation by me), while a boss (usually upon more "difficult" levels had such a lowered drop rate that you could replay the level/map and fight the boss all over again, and still not obtain the boss pokemon as a playable pokemon. Was really fun at first but slowly felt more repetitive and boring.

This review contains spoilers

Ghostwire Tokyo is a unique experience in terms of the bridging between life and death.

The characters of Akito and KK have a buddy cop dynamic that is really nice to hear and playthrough, as well as having emotional moments and heart to hearts.
The story is very basic in the sense of "sibling of protagonist is used as a vessel to unleash a God/ open a portal or something", with Akito mainly having to go through the empty of humans streets of Tokyo. Tokyo being a huge area to explore, having different collectibles to collect such as audio logs, tanukis, and artifacts scattered throughout.

The game is very good at being a blend between action, Adventure, open world and horror.

The horror aspect comes in the form of the vistors including:

• Rain Walkers
•Rugged Walkers
•Rage Walkers
•Students of Misery
•Students of Pain
• Shrine Doll
• Kuchisake (her especially)
And many others.

The game features japanese yokai as another part of collecting/leveling up, such as kappas, onis, kodamas, etc.

I have to give the game props for making this a game that uses elemental abilities of Fire, Water, and Air in order to defeat your enemies, along with a bow and talismans, instead of standard weapons like guns.

The story is ok, not amazing cause it's very quick, the ending can leave those feeling happy for KK in a way, but it can absolutely wreck the experience of the entire game, making it feel like a pointless journey, the ending sort of feels like the end of Pixar's Soul but worse.
I hate that video games that aren't cartoony always need to end in bad/ok endings where there has to be something bad/sad that happens because nowadays game companies seem to have obsessions with bad/sad endings.
Essentially the entire point of the game is trying to traverse the ravaged city of Tokyo, fighting the visitors and the masked man Hannya, all in order to save Mari, Akitos sister.
After going through the entire Game, Akito faces the truth of his families death, and finally gets to reunite with his sister... only for her to die shortly after. (Ffs really?!?) Like the ending is beautiful, but it's very abrupt, like after defeating the main bad guy, you get teleported back to the land of the living, where Akito meets with his Ghost Parents and leaves Mari to them saying "when we reunite I will have lived a full life." And walks up the shrine gates and has a final comedic word with KK only for KK to drift off into peace, him as well moving on to the after life. Akito looks at the picture of KK's family from KK's wallet, sees that there's a second side with KK with his wife and son, smirks looks happy and goes off presumably to fulfill KK's wish of his family knowing what happened to him and that he loves them. And the game ends, it's a beautiful ending. However having Mari die, wrecks the point of the game, regardless if you think "its about acknowledging the death of your love one's and letting go so you can live your life happy, but still remembering them," but why the hell does Mari have to die to make that happen.

I had a great experience with the game, and was able to platnium it, so I experience all of what this game has to offer. If they are ever going to do a sequel to Ghostwire, a different location that isn't Japan would be cool to see, like Rome, or Paris, or Berlin, or Seoul Korea, a new location so it doesn't seem only bound to Japan. Would be cool to see demons and visitors from other countries and the aspect a sequel would take based on the country.

Still I did have a great time. But the story's ending is what brings this down to a 4/5 for me.
Recommend it though 😁🙏🏻

Sonic CD is an amazing Sonic game that feels like a superior follow up/upgrade of Sonic 1, focusing on all out speed and introducing new characters like Metal Sonic and Amy Rose. Giving us an amazing OST and stages. A great Sonic game that I'm happy exists.

Has a great story, awesome customization, dogmeat, and mods! Fallout 4 is such a great game, It's a pleasure to have played it. Even if I do prefer the dialogue of Outer Worlds/New Vegas, this game has a good story, with lovable and hateable characters.

The definitive Sonic 3, as stated previously the entire package completes this game giving us amazing music, stages, and optional character selection the complete version of Sonic 3, if you want to experience this game yourself, I recommend buying Sonic Gems collection and playing it there (you have to unlock it though)