I remember seeing a video showing this game off years ago over on Tumblr, and I was blown away by how creative and mind-trippy it all seemed. I completely forgot the name of it, but I always remembered the video, so a few years later I went hunting for what the game title was to play it for myself and found Superliminal.

This was a genuinely super neat concept. I dig games like this, and it didn't overstay its welcome to the point that the puzzles and core mechanics lost their novelty for me.

Might replay it on stream or something when it's been long enough that I've forgotten the solutions. This is the kind of game where seeing people's reactions to it all would be fun.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2023


7 months ago

Yeah this was a fun one with a really cool concept. If you are in to cerebral puzzle games like this maybe try out The Witness or The Stanley Parable.

7 months ago

@Craigjs91 I liked The Stanley Parable, still yet to play the Deluxe Version though so I'll probably get to that sometime soon! I'll definitely look into The Witness though

7 months ago

@HaloBlues if you decide to give it a try, I'd be curious to know what you think. It's a love or hate type of game from what I've seen.