After far too many deaths on nearly uncontrollable sliding sections, I thought 'Dark Forces has a new source port' and uninstalled.

why did we ever think qte's were good. moreover, why did we ever think the sixaxis was good

The rebel leader you spend half the game trying to kill and then kill is deus ex machina saved at the end. The gays and girlbosses can be fascist war crime doers too, for the sake of ~*~representation~~*~

Because this is set after Ep 6 and before 7, there are no stakes to the story whatsoever, for Nothing May Disturb Canon.

Spend half the game trying to achieve a goal for it to be reversed? Too bad, fuck you. Everything is returned to the status quo.

Flight model is serviceable, but every time I just wish I was playing TIE Fighter instead. Don't waste your time, go play that.

this was absolutely unhinged

Perfectly reasonable short mod, with a few spots where you have to fall back to methods outside of gameplay, like spawning an NPC via console to proceed.

Maybe knowing this is the first game in what would become a six part series might change some context, but taken on it's own, it's an average action game with one or two interesting tweaks on a third person shooter that mostly works on a console, and a spy story where most of the character motivations make zero sense.

remember kasabian? no? that's probably for the best.

Holland, Germany, Switzerland, France, and Spain all:
Post speed in mph, when posted at all
Drive on the right hand side of the road
Have American police in Crown Vics patrolling the highway
Anyone not driving a sports car drives a VW beetle or a cow truck
Are all at most ten miles long

Honestly, the game makes you convert kph on your speedo to mph in your head on the fly, which is exactly the kind of sicko thing 80's and 90's games did and I have to respect it

you wonder if this game thinks you're going to forget the title?

guiseppe stromboli and the slurs everyone says a lot

Bonk. It's a fine game for 1983, but not a lot to keep your interest unless you want a very simplified game of baseball.

nothing like a game where the first thing that happens is it sexually harasses you