Has a cute and fun aesthetic, but unfortunately you have seen everything the game really has to offer within the first 15-20 minutes. And it ends up being quite repetitive despite its short length.

A generally fun spin on dodgeball with an action rpg feel, set in a charming and colorful place thats more or less a parody of shounen tropes.

The gameplay in itself is pretty solid, with the varied cast of characters offering different abilities in how to approach the game + various items to specialize them further.
However there is unfortunately little variances in the matches themselves. While the game does toss in quite a few gimmicks they all in general feel pretty samey (and in many cases pretty chaotic), with a few notable exceptions.

Beyond that there not much else to it, though the writing does a nice job of keeping the flow going. Fleshing the characters out with usually funny dialogue and building up fun stakes for the actual tournament matches.

A fun though grindy and repetitive action rpg game that has mainly one thing going for it, it's transformation gimmick.

The core loop is all about the various classes and critters your character transform into, to make use of their abilities to approach the games challenges.
Where it really starts to shine though, is when you're allowed to mix and match all those abilities into different movesets. It gives a lot of room to experiment with various combinations, to find stuff that synergizes well with each other. Something the game encourages by having special rules and restrictions through its various though repetitive (and proceduraly generated) dungeons that usually forces a different approach.

This gives it a decent amount of depth in what otherwise would be a rather generic hack and slash game.

If you end up beating this game i recommend giving new game plus a go. It changes up the forementioned rules of its dungeons to such a ludicrous degree, that it leans towards being a puzzler.

A more or less carbon copy of Donkey Kong Country competently done.

And thats it really.