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Harmonica abandoned Yandere Simulator
You're telling me, a guy who made a game where you play as a high school anime girl going around killing other girls, ends up being a degenerate weirdo. This is like watching a movie and you saw the twist coming from the very beginning.

As a video game this is terrible, but it's fascinating playing it and reading into the mind of someone who's both a disgusting person and clueless on how to make a video game.

9 days ago

Harmonica followed TimAlien

10 days ago

Harmonica abandoned Hatred
I really tried finishing this game but I couldn't. The game tries way too hard to be disturbing to the point I don't think I've laughed harder at a game. Also the game is hard in the worst way possible so I can't even enjoy it as an ironically good game.

10 days ago

Harmonica finished Hard Drivin'
A technical marvel for the time but aged worse than most games I've played. Hard to believe Daytona USA was only 5 years later.

12 days ago

Harmonica completed Snatcher

13 days ago

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