Probably the best Alien game ever made. It nails in tension and atmosphere. After that wares off though, it starts falling into a lot of the design cliché's of the time. You have your crafting your stealth and an action segment or two. Very much standard for the time (and also kinda now). This game also has kinda of a cliffhanger ending that looks like will go unresolved. This game was a great first step in what I think could have been a nice series. Unfortunately do too poor sale's on launch, it seems like that will never happen

Been on a long road with this game.

If you'd asked me my thought's in 2013 I would said it was one of the worst total wars ever made. In whats now close to 2021 my feelings have changed a lot.

After years of patching expansions and even use as practice for a new developer (CA Bulgaria made an expansion before working on Troy). Total War Rome 2 (Hate that name change) is a fine strategy game. Still a bit buggy and with some core design weirdness but a fine game none the less.And with some of the mods out there Rome 2 is even a good game. While I still am not a fan of where this game and Warhammer took the Series.

The expansion's that were released are all a little lack luster. They all just zoom into a part of the map and add a "story" focused campaign that at their best can be considered "fine".

I have a hard time not recommend this game in its current state. There still hundreds of hours of gameplay here. How much you like it though is going too depend on your previous experience with the franchise.

Really weird one this, this game has great animation quality and fun combat (at times) but the Wesker boss battle are super cheap. As the game progresses the gameplay gets worse and the combat becomes lackluster. I definitely see how are RE6 came out this. The game is an interesting historical piece in terms of the history of RE, but the game is in a sorry state on PC. The game STILL requires Games for Windows Live of all thing and can only be launched with a fan patch that comes from a kinda sketch website. On top of this one of the boss battles is broken and is unbeatable and can only be beating with an exploit. CoOp was is kinda fun but again it doesn't make up for how lackluster the gameplay gets. Funny enough the CoOp is better implemented here at times then RE6, with only one or two things being better in 6.

All and all not something I wouldn't play again, and I actually quit in frustration at the final boss. But and Interesting experience none the less.

The addition of coop multiplayer makes this entry into the series one of the most fun! Unfortunately the game is a mess, making the previous switch entires look way better by comparison.