(trying to keep spoiler-free as possible) Sweet and hopeful game that illustrates a pretty real example of how young people in marginalized groups struggle with growing into the person they want to be in less-than-supportive environments. It's sort of a point-and-click/visual novel hybrid through lots of text, so give this a pass if you want something with active gameplay.The one detriment is that some of the passwords are a little odd to figure out, but i wouldn't say impossible. The best part is how all the things you see develop in significance as you go on!

This is a fun platformer. Not quite a precision platformer, but it has moments like those. The story is not much at all, it's all collecting stuff like some kinda really old arcade cabinet, but the difficulty curve is forgiving enough that most people could get through it with some solid effort. I can see some people not liking the ending, but I thought it was fun :D

Not really compelling enough to warrant a lot of replay or retrying, the mechanics don't change too much and it's too difficult to play within the intended lines to really get anywhere. if you wanna look at movement and flashing colours maybe you'd like it though?

Pretty basic platformer roguelike, it's giving newgrounds flash game which is kinda nostalgic. WARNING: for me the game had issues running alongside OBS Streamlabs. Personally i'm not great with roguelikes so perhaps i'm biased, but levels felt too long without much keeping my interest past "i wonder what's after this" and after playing to more levels, the mechanics don't seem to get much more engaging.

Short game simulator based on US politics clearly catering to what it says on the tin. As someone who already aligned with the politics that this game caters to, i had an alright time, but perhaps right-leaning people wouldn't, I don't know. I didn't feel like trying that, not just from a personal sense of unappeal, but because I didn't find the gameplay compelling enough to do another run-through. Doesn't alienate me too much as a non-US person, which is good. I've never played a game with these mechanics before so it was fun and refreshing to me, and I enjoyed some of the humour and writing. Good for what it set out to do.

Only a demo of 2 acts is out now, but it's good for what's here! Clean art style, interesting way we're going, LGBTQ-aimed content. The 4th wall breaking narration is fun. Can't rate it much higher since it's not finished, but would like to see where it goes!


An interesting attempt at making a bullet hell-sports-roguelike arcade game, but fairly difficult to really get into. The control scheme isn't too smooth with the gameplay, and i found the ball wouldn't show at all times. not sure how one would make this more viable without motion controls.

A short, basically educational point-and-click about being a mortician in a funeral home, covers some small aspects of the business, a simplified show of the process, and has educational bits about funeral customs and different burial methods. I found it quite enjoyable and educational, despite the repetitive nature of a lot of it and the few rough grammar hiccups.

It's a sorta janky really basic runner, never finished it because once they increase difficulty by just flipping the controls/camera around it feels less engaging and more hard just for the sake of being hard.

A nice, soft sapphic story about spending your life with someone and the various possibilities that can happen from that. the progression feels a little too samey in a lot of the routes, but is sweet nonetheless, doesnt take too long to explore the different routes. I heard some different endings come from deleting the data and starting over, but I couldn't do that lol

Spooky Yume Nikki-type horror experience, it's a walking simulator with no combat. I played the Redux version which is a little different from the original, i ended up having to use a cheat to get the final heart. I didn't need to use most of the cheats available, but I appreciated the fact that they were built in to make it user-friendly. I enjoyed the how the characters and dialogue were written, the representations of emotional struggles (especially OCD) were a treat to see, and the overall art style and jurney were wonderful.

A story about a real figure in Sicilian history that I did not previously know about! All text, no real gameplay. Only one real path, there are minor variations in what shows up from your choices, but not really any that makes any meaningful change. It's more interesting the ways that they purposely show that there is no choice. 15 minute experience.

Real short little shooter type, interesting in the interaction of crisp 3D models and 2D sprites. not particularly deep, but enjoyable enough. Music is pretty bomb.


Interesting narrative, it nicely keeps its twists and reveals hidden until the right time to reveal them. it is definitely not just a cutesy game, you can and will run into some pretty horrifying parts, with even more of them found down some sadder choices. My main problem is it's pretty long, so it's hard to get yourself to replay in order to experience more of the things. but rewarding to play even once!

Another solid entry, really manages to integrate rooms with puzzle boxes well this time.