cool licensed platformer. nostalgia :')

finished this little gameboy port in around 25 minutes. it has some creative ideas and twists while being a fairly oldschool platformer. while playing a level, you collect felix coins to become stronger and stronger. felix's power is represented by different outfits and vehicles. while this mostly works fantastic, you mostly stay around the last 2 versions of felix (tank and car). different levels feature different versions of felix, so it doesnt get boring. the bosses are a little bit too easy and dont take more than some shots while you dont even have to move.

great little indie roguelike, but hellish difficulty and almost unfair situations are a common thing in this. the artstyle is cool and the music slaps.

this tomato is not the way --

very frustrating mario game in general. while the setting is great and the characters have their charm, the plot is just uncanny to me and the controls - while sometimes celebrated by people for their diversity - suck badly and take out all the fun that collecting shines could have brought...

very funny, but also frustrating and bland at points. progressing could be more rewarding. 12,49 btw

this is just as good as minecraft to me. while minecraft has more basic exploration and encourages building pretty things, terraria goes a more action heavy way. loads of items, bosses, npc's, little secrets to discover make this a long lasting sandbox miracle.

very cute zelda title. very unique to all the other ones and so addicting. love all the little references to other nintendo titles and the made for gameboy style. remake is very nice and much more comfortable to play than the original (4 buttons > 2 buttons). only downside is the lag included on the nintendo switch version, kinda gets you out of the immersion a lot of times...

the best Animal Crossing experience you can get till this very day. Includes a lot of features, improvements and a very good - in my opinion perfect - Nintendo / Totaka soundtrack. The mayor scenario is brilliant and the extended town setting always cozy, but never boring. New Leaf has a lot that New Horizons misses and always will miss. A modern feelgood classic!

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frogs go jump and shoot buttons hehe

this game is timeless

i love little blocky blocks

such a charming entrance to one of Nintendos best and weirdest game series. while the microgames are still quite simple and may be a bit confusing at times, Mega Microgames is a blast to play and has those delicate GBA retro vibes to it.