A very good game and I've enjoyed it very much.
I've never played this kind of game before and I'm really grateful to have played through this incredible adventure. Unfortunately the pace of the scenario as well as the countless bugs in the last act and other major flaws which I will not talk about out of respect for non-spoilers do not allow me to give it 5 stars. It's a shame but that doesn't change the fact that it's one of the games that had the most impact on me and that it's a game that deserves all the respect and praise it can get. After all I wouldn't have played 169 hours if that hadn't been the case. =)

Very beautiful game and very funny.
I can't finish it because for me it's too frustrating. I knew that there was a part of the game that was rogue-lite but I didn't expect to be the core of the game as the fishing is the core of the game. And the amount of mini-games and QTE are really annoying. Also playing with controller has been a nightmare.
For someone who doesn't care and like rogue lite, mini-games and QTE, go for it you'll love it !
I'm afraid I can't overcome that rogue-lite/likes games are not for me, even with a game that is so cute. Dave is really the most kind-hearted character i've seen in games. ^^

This review contains spoilers

3 major problem :
1. No auto-aiming. Even in RE1 you have auto-aiming. Aiming with the controller is VERY BAD. In a game with so few resources, in particular ammos, good aiming is VERY IMPORTANT.
2. First boss, adds. The worse decision possible.
3. The "lighter" mechanic of RE1 is not a good idea when you have not understood the mechanic and make all enemies repop to punish the player. Even in RE1 this is not a good idea, so much they have removed it on the 2 game. If you want to put some pressure on the player, there are plenty other smart ways to do it.

Ultimately : the game has a lot of potential, very good ambiance and seems to have a very very good story.
But when you milk so much from an other game, a famous game like RE1, the least you can do is do it properly.