Log Status






Time Played

62h 21m

Days in Journal

34 days

Last played

April 18, 2024

First played

July 3, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This is a game that I started but didn't finish and left it for a long time in the stack.Now that I completed it I can surely say that it was a great experience.For me,the thing that carries the game are the characters themselves.Each and every one of them felt crucial to the experience that is the witcher.Their actions and their interactions with each other gave the game realism and contributed to the amalgamation of high stakes.The story was also great and even though some quests didn't shine like others I enjoyed the whole adventure(the bloody baron quest especially was phenomenal).Another great addition was how your choices affected greatly the outcome of the game which made you even more invested in the story and made you want to see how it would continue from there.In my opinion,the gameplay was solid even though I feel it was lacking in certain aspects and felt very bland after a while.Overall,the game was a great rpg with action,drama and all the elements you need for a good story.