7 reviews liked by Hi_mbee

This is not Lego Star Wars. This is a clone of any third person open world game with Star Wars figures. The only thing this game did was make me want to play the original again.

Plus le jeu avence plus les developpeur ont mis moins de travail. Sérieusement c'est quoi cette fin ?

The Ascent is so promising, but the game play is so boring. I loved the look of the game, especially the varying look of the arcology's levels. The alien races have fun designs as enemies and allies, even if they fall into stereotypical roles of little dudes and big bruisers. My main issue is the RPG and combat mechanics. My build was based around using a giant laser, exploding mechanical spiders, and an auto-aiming gun. In the guides I looked at, it was described as the "easy" build. To me, the game was not easy and often bordered on tedious and frustrating. The boss battles in particular didn't offer much in the way of strategy, rather relying on running away while waiting for powers to recharge. The basic enemies were either just cannon fodder or incredibly difficult. I liked the game, but I can only imagine the frustration of someone not playing with a guide who is trying to create their own build. Just play it on easy, I wish I had done the same.

This was a cute little 3DS game, might come back to it. I heard the endgame is a slog, though

Perhaps the best written game ever?
Oh how I love the melancholy of the final chapters we spend with Arthur. The regrets, the atonement he seeks, the search for meaning, the way we don't really care about money anymore and just want to do good with the few hours we have left to live. Its powerful, fine sad stuff.