Progear 2001

Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 15, 2023

Platforms Played


Genre: Bullet hell shoot em up with children! | Released: 2001 | Platform: Arcade, Windows, Mac, Linux, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One (it’s part of the Capcom Arcade collection)| Developer: CAVE | Publisher: Capcom | Language: English | Length: 30-60 minutes | Difficulty: Hard to Very Hard | Do I Need To Play Anything First: Nope | Accessibility Options: Zilch | Monetization: Part of DLC for collections | Microtransaction: IF you are playing on a real machine (somehow) preparer to spend A LOT of quarters. Otherwise free play is the only way | Gambling Elements: None | Content Warning: Very mild cartoon violence | Parenting Guide: Look, this is a very very hard game, but it has lots of colours and flashing lights. Younger players may grow frustrated | How Did You Play It: Via MAME | Did you need a guide: No… But on my second playthrough I looked up a tutorial and learned a few mechanics that would have been nice to know | Mods: None

Is It Good: Yes

Back of the Box: Weeeeeeee! BANG BANG! BOOOOOM! Video Game are FUN!

Progear is wonderful animated, has a really bubbly artstyle (which is needed due to the child warfare angle, ‘cause otherwise the implications are horrific), and is HARD. I loved the sprite work, soundtrack, and overall had a great time. A lesser known Capcom classic, definingly worth a spin for those looking to try a bullet hell shooter for the first time.

There is a great push and pull mechanic the rewards careful planning, and enough context for an exciting romp. This video made me want to play it.