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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 10, 2024

Platforms Played


I went into this game with so many great expectations, this game is praised so much, some even say it's the "Best RPG of all time" while I simply think it isn't entirely true. But I can understand where they are coming from, it's a heartfelt journey with a really well done love story.

Is the Story good : Yes I think it was amazing, the connection the characters had, the journey they endured together, it was awesome. Especially the Underwater Date Scene

Is the Music good : Of course it is, the music reflects well on areas, characters, and story moments.

Is the Gameplay good : HONESTLY it was not that great, they even added Boosters and Cheat Unlocks in the Menu, it just shows how grindy this game is, it has the outdated RPG gameplay with random encounters and inflated enemy HP bars. So don't go into this game expecting exciting gameplay.

Overall, if you are an avid Final Fantasy Fan, or want to get into the series & experience a great story, then you should play this game for sure! Probably will cut down your playtime if you disable random encounters.