Somehow this made me appreciate Persona 1 more. At least that game had parts about it that were good enough to kinda make up for its awful gameplay.

Played this with a friend and accidentally sent a robo-assassin to rob him blind 6 chapters into the story. We then combined forces to take down the final boss in spite of our grudges and constant sabotaging throughout the journey.

Truly, peak storytelling.

Crazy how they just dropped a top 5 Kirby game on their first attempt at 3D

(Side note: Wtf did they have me fighting for my life against in the True Arena man 😭)

You know that joke about Persona fans not playing the games and watching the story on YouTube?

This is the one instance in the series where that's probably the better option.
The manga adaptation's pretty solid at least.

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"Nevertheless, our intentions will live on, and one day coalesce again. Be it tomorrow... or in a thousand years... Surely, the time will eventually come. I can see it, clear as day."
- Ontos

What a ride

I could not think of a more fitting way to finish this year off.


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The aftermath of that entire final sequence had me staring at the title screen for what felt like an hour straight.

I legit have no words left.

Now I get why people want the next entry to take notes from this. Really excited to see how the remake turns out.

There's absolutely worse games than this out there, I just hold a personal hatred for this one in particular. 💀

I'm actually convinced Retro Studios were using some kind of sorcery here, because literally HOW did they make this look so good and run so well????