Quite enjoyable. Suuuuper short only 3 and a bit hours but for what it is I liked it. Quite a few glitches like one where you had to collect 3 items and it wouldn't register but those were small things

Such a leap in quality to the first, the first is still amazing but almost feels like a test demo in comparison.

Introduces Chloe who went on to become a series staple and even her own game. Harry Flynn is a great reflection of Nate and Lezarovic is...also there he's fine tbh

For years I liked this game but never properly gave it a go, At first I found it a little annoying with not being able to quickly swap between weapons but after time I got used to I i'm VERY glad I did. You can really see why this game became so influential

Such a good remake! have been playing through them all and goddamn this was a good time! I've had it since launch but got distracted. So glad I gave this another try

Soo fucking good, I liked that the story was really subtle at the start and wasn't a focus until the last chapter or two where you start to really notice everything

Did this without a guide and made me feel like a genius at times, a little short but still fantastic, can't wait to see what 2 offers

Some of it has aged less gracefully than others but for the most part it still holds up 16 years later

Plays ok, music is 80x louder than it should and the visuals give me headaches

Truly one of the fighters of all time

Fuck Metal Sonic he kills you in like 3 hits and destoyr your shield instantly

Pretty good but only really know the RWBY and Persona 4 charecters lmao

I think its fine tbh. It's a great shooter but as a Resident Evil it's kind of weak. Which is a shame bc you can SEE the effort it was just too little in terms of classic Resi horror and puzzles.

Surprisingly addictive. One of the best puzzle games you can get. It's a real shame they only remembered to release it outside japan recently

Quite good, very nostalgic as someone who's only played Round 2 on the Gamecube and PS2. Some big glitches tho especially towards the end it sometimes would just. stop and crash and sometimes the music would randomly cut out. Besides those issues a pretty good game and hope it can finalyl revive Kao

Its fine? Just a simple platformer nothing as fun as the main Disgaea series

Always put this one off as it was deemed "the bad one" but ITS SO GOOOOOD

I liked the over theme of redemption dispite your actions (the good ending at least) and everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

The hacking was a lot better since it happened in real time and the final boss wasn't a pile of shit this time it was actually good!