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1 day

Last played

July 3, 2023

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Well, this game is a bit of an underwhelming sequel. As far as I can tell, this is essentially another level pack for the first game. That's mostly fine, the first game had some great puzzle levels so it could have been pretty good. Unfortunately this game comparatively was pretty easy.

There is one new mechanic that wasn't utilized in the first game IIRC. Blocking enemy spawns so the enemies appear elsewhere. This is kind of a flawed mechanic right from the concept level, because there's no way to tell if or where an enemy is gonna spawn. Sometimes you can deduce it because the level would be impossible otherwise, but it's often not obvious. And the game also doesn't teach you how to do this within the game. I already knew about this mechanic going in, but it could have been pretty frustrating not knowing about an entire mechanic.

Anyways, I found I kinda just blazed through this game really easily. I don't think I was stuck on any level for more than a few attempts. I guess that's not inherently a bad thing, I was just surprised and a little disappointed.

And of course, the game did nothing to fix the issues of the first game. There's still a pointless lives system that does nothing but waste time. You can't tell which heart blocks give you egg shots so it results in trial & error and guesswork, which is only made more tedious by the lives system.
I would say I still enjoyed this game, cause the gameplay is still fun and there was at least some puzzle solving, but I was pretty underwhelmed by this one.