Game covers that look like a woman giving a blowjob to a giraffe

"Not a shocking realisation."
- Overpowered

Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6


2 years ago

Lmao this became my 2nd most liked list in one day. I see what you perverts want.

2 years ago

can't unsee

2 years ago

thanks i hate it

2 years ago

idk how but for all the times i've heard this joke from people i don't think i've ever seen it specifically be considered a (human?) woman giving the giraffe a blowjob so much as just a giraffe getting a blowjob from some random unspecified being

2 years ago

yeah i dont see many womanly features on the blowjobber

2 years ago

It looks almost like a human who has been cocooned Shelob style to me lol, truth be told I stole the title off some comment I saw way back before it released and I can't remember where. But gender is a construct y'all, the person can be whatever you like :P

2 years ago

Every time I see this game on someone's list I think of this though, so I just had to get it out there.

2 years ago

Was it my list? Lol

2 years ago

Yours might have been the most recent one I saw but it's literally any time I see this game's cover lol

2 years ago

Like LobbyDob said, I can't unsee it!

2 years ago

My man, everybody noticed this the day the game was announced. It's not some shocking realisation

BTW, the 2012 Olympics logo looks like Lisa Simpson giving a blowjob. 2012 was the year of fellatio-resembling logos

2 years ago

Ty for letting me know king, updated the description to be more accurate.

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