I don't really talk about video games since I don't think I'm knowledgeable or experienced enough on the medium, but I had to make an exception in this case because it's a work I'm very attached to. My growing up from the age of 8-18 involved revisiting Vice City numerous times. But upon replaying GTA: Vice City for the first time since I became an adult, it was a pleasant surprise at how well this game still holds up today, very polished and innovative in terms of world design, narrative and realism which makes the extensive research apparent.

Definitely one of the most culturally and historically significant video games for USA, Vice City is a brilliantly verite portrayal of 1980s Miami, the intensity of the crack epidemic, tension between the Haitians and Cubans (exaggerated and questionable but not baseless) and Mafia control.

Tommy Vercetti at the centre of all the conflict and drug trade is utilised to perfection. A very simple character journey, but a lot of complexities are imparted in him through subtle indications and mannerisms complemented with bravado by Liotta's emphatic voice acting performance. One of my favourite gaming characters, though nostalgia does play a part I'm sure.

Undoubtedly the most fun I've had with a game which cemented GTA as my favourite gaming franchise, at least concept wise. Vice City's depiction of Miami is one of the most dynamic gaming worlds ever.

Another notable aspect is the diversity of music integrated and meticulous detail put into the radio shows. Never a dull moment in it and one can spend long times just listening to different channels.

Not much coming from me, but GTA: Vice City is one of the greatest games ever made, the best GTA game, and one of the most notable and influential works in the crime genre. Revolutionary for its time.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2022


2 years ago

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