My history with the game:
This game always looked so cool and I had to wait 8 years to be able to play it, until I finally used my savings to buy a decent computer, and the first thing I did was install this shit. I had lots of fun for a month and I did basically everything that there is to do, I thought it was great, maybe one of the best games of all time. Looking back though, there's games that I played since that I liked better and I would like to play again. In the case of Skyrim, I intentionally didn't explore aspects of the game like magic and sneaking to be able to have fresh things on a replay, but I tried playing it again and I couldn't get into it. I might do so at some point, maybe on the next re-release, which will probably come out in like 4 years.

Things I like!
I've seen so much hate for the game lately that I want to defend it a little. I adore that there's so many NPC's with unique dialogue and quests, it makes the world feel alive. The cities and landscape look amazing and each area of the game looks so different to the rest. The 2 main quests are fun! Being a werewolf is fun! Dragons are fun!

The only well known game made in my home country of Uruguay, so proud. I remember playing it around the time it came out and it was fun, I might play it again at some point.

For years I hated it for the mistakes in continuity and for its pandering to the original trilogy (And too much Quan Chi), now I don't care but it's still a negative. The other negative is that the female character designs are terrible (The three ninja girls look all right). You have to look at it as a remake to MK Trilogy, and from that perspective it's a fun game.

The new 2D gameplay is different to the 3D gameplay but I like it. I like the X-rays. I absolutely adore that you can choose to play tag, that makes everything way more enjoyable for me.

I love that the story is about 2 military guys that have a difference in rank, but they are both higher ups, instead of the protagonist being an 18-year old, that's pretty unique. The main character is the younger guy (He's like 35?) who is the serious one that is secretly depressed and likes to read about dinosaurs, and then there's the older guy who is the classic loud gregarious type.

The writing wasn't always great for me, and I started to get really bored as it takes hours to finish. After a while they start introducing some weird aspect to the story, there's a sad backstory about a missing child or something. Some of the characters are just there to set up a spin-off game, I couldn't understand what was happening.

Instead of just adding cats and dogs like... "The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs," this pack fills your world with an entire army of animals. You can see deers running around in the forest and shit, it's so cool. When it comes to the main pets (Cats and dogs, plus horses) I'm of the school that thinks the fact that you can control them is weird and I never got into them in The Sims 3. The new world is cool though.

This one is kind of weird as it adds a bunch of community lots (Basically a new code of paint for rabbitholes) instead of focusing only on new objects, and both things are pretty well done. It's very nice to get new areas to explore (Or look at) after a while.

It's hard not to quote LGR when talking about The Sims. As he said, these expansion adds a bunch of things that should be in the base game, like graduations, treehouses, punishments for teens, a bunch of pranks, a reputation system, bachelor's parties, body hair, virtually everything that makes The Sims 3 fun to play.

I remember that the game notified me that the people hated my family because the parents were not married when they had the kids. That was a bit weird. Chill people.

Some of the items look neat! I like the bricked kitchen cabinets! What do you even say about these stuff packs...

They decided to do a completely new game based on quests with limited features instead of just taking full advantage of their Sims 3 assets. Therefore you can't build houses (the buildings are basically stages where you can put objects) and the characters don't age (Basically like in the Sims 1), among other frustrating details. However, I had fun playing as the king and I would like to complete the whole thing one day. I love that you have to pick a character flaw for every character, it makes them more human.

It's pretty fun for a bit, the joy of accidentally falling and getting to see your child get split in two, or just throw katanas at him, it's nice. The commity created some super awesome stuff that was better than the official levels.

The Sims 3: New York plus vampires. It's a really well executed pack, as LGR reviews has wisely said, living in this city feels completely different than living in the suburbs, and The Sims 4 City Living couldn't manage to do that. The big negative is how The Sims 3 works in itself: as the townies are spread around the entire town at every moment, when you try going to a nightclub there's like 1 old lady there.

Might be my favourite Stuff Pack for the Sims 3 and I don't even like cars. It delivers on its premise neatly adding a bunch of vehicles that can be useful for storytelling.

It comes with 2 fan favourite Sims 1 objects, and some stuff for rich people. I guess it's fine. I had ranked it lower, but then I had a flash or memory, and I realized that this comes with 3 extremely useful hairstyles for men, which is a rarity. The female hairsyles are also 2 of the ones that I remember the most, it's crazy. They were in their hair game.

Might be the Sims 3 expansion that I used the least, but not because it's bad. It adds a whole bunch of jobs including the firefighters which might be my favourite job in the entire game. I thought the town that came with it was kind of ugly.

Basically the same game but you can have an avatar zombie, and the dancing zombie is no longer a Michael Jackson reference because of copyright, so you could say it's slightly worst than the original.