I think YMS was the one who described this as the horror game equivalent of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's well made and pretty scary at first, but once you figure out the formula it's kind of underwhelming.

Those giant special combos where the strikes follow the notes are too good.

This shit adds some of the most interesting characters, like Lobo and Zatanna, so I think it's significantly better than the original game.

Besides the dumbass plot about Superman going bad and the excessive use of Batman, this is a neat fighting game. I remember enjoying it, but I barely remember it.

This game made my eyes hurt, but the music, visuals, and gameplay are very statisfying for a bit. Fun fact, I didn't have a phone until I was like 20-years-old, and I think this was one of the first things I downloaded on it.

This game was considered so bad or annoying that some idiot children starting harrasing the developer on Twitter and he deleted the game. The game in itself was not anything remarkable, people are extremely dumb.


A solid sequel that surpases its predecessor in terms of quantity and quality (It truly looks gorgeous), featuring a slow burn story where you get to know the setting and players before the horror aspect starts in full.

While it's mostly a separate story, it's still recommendable to play the original game first.

I enjoyed it, I got one or two bad endings before finally getting the True Ending. I wanted John to be my boyfriend, but the game forces you to pair up with Evander. Where is my freedom of choice? In all seriousness, it's a linear narrative, so it makes sense.

This is sort of a point and click dating simulator set at a nursing home with the objective to date one of the residents. I simply love the idea of a game about old people finding love. I haven't played Later Daters, which tackles the same subject but with a bit more seriousness, 'casue it costs $15 dollars, and this one is free!

I had fun, I played it at 1am in the morning instead of studying or going to sleep. It was rewarding to figure out what to do with all the objects and shit. The cat lady is my fave. Some of the tasks were a bit too hard to figure out, I had to look up the location of an object on Youtube (The doll), and at one point the gardener asks to to figure out (By trial and error) the favourite flower of each resident, and that will take you around 10 boring ass minutes (There's a guy who tells you he's allergic to flowers, and the resolution to that confict is very funny).


It is “objectively” better than the first game
This time the storyline is that you are a pro-gamer, you are super good at a League of Legends parody so you look for a team in a weird place that works as an arcade, pizzeria, and laundromat at the same time. And they created a somewhat enjoyable minigame inside the main game to portray the matches, it’s pretty darn cool. Another thing they added is a rival: you can fully customize them using the character creation, and they can serve several roles depending on your choices (Friendly rivalry, deep hate, and/or act as a 7th romantic option). The characters and story and main storyline is a bit more compelling, I got invested in the life of more characters than in the first game. The character designs have also improved significantly. They already looked good in the first game, but this time they are so gorgeous that you stare at them even if they don’t do anything for you sexually. And speaking of that…

Subjective Complaint 1: I’m not attracted to any of these people
None of the main characters were even close to sparking something romantic in me. To be honest, if your game doesn’t have a guy with a full beard, it’s going to be tricky to hook me in. One thing that slightly bothers me is that the statistics favour femininity over masculinity. In the first game, there’s 4 girls and 3 boys to choose from, and all of them fit their assigned gender (Except Theo). This time is a bit more diverse. There’s 3 femme girls, 1 neutral presenting non-binary (Very good representation by the way), 1 neutral presenting boy, and 1 masculine presenting boy. Therefore, if you are attracted to masculine men like me, your only option is Locksley, and I don’t like Locksley very much. His mouth is weird, and his voice and vibe are annoying, he doesn’t feel like a real person to me. I ended up picking him (I almost picked one of the girls to be honest), I gave it an honest try, but I didn’t feel like I got to know him that well, it felt off. I wish I could form a throuple with the owners of the pizza place, but I don’t think the game offers that option (I love that they act as a single character with a heart split in two as their icon). Anyway, my point is that statistically there’s more women characters to choose from than men, and the characters tend to be more feminine than masculine too, which is like a bias on the developers’ part, not saying that it’s a bad thing, but it makes it harder to enjoy the game for me. And where are the butch lesbians? Think about them too! Masculine people unite!

Subjective Complaint 2: Character Creation is still disappointing
It’s slightly better than the one in the original game, but I was still unable to create anything that left me satisfied. This time they allow you to be fat, but this only changes the torso and legs, and the default face is skinny. Therefore, even if they give you the option (And I love the option), it’s basically unusable because the head-body combination looks really off. And the matter of masculinity persists, when you try to make a boy character, they don’t give you the option to make them stand straight, and they still have no beards on offer, and the face is more feminine this time, so they end up looking non-binary at best. Give me a beard option at least!

Other observations
I think there’s a bit of a contradiction in the setting, because in one hand there’s characters saying “it’s good that the videogame crash didn’t happen, otherwise video games would be considered for boys only” but then you also see some stigma associated with games, and some gender barriers as well. However, I still think it makes sense. It’s a world in which e-sport competitions are mainstream, and half of the players are women, but even if that was the case in our own world, those forms of discrimination would still exist, and it allows the writers to create narratives addressing those issues.

This is a bundle of the main game, the two expansions, plus a bunch of random DLC. I don't think that this add-ons improve the experience of the game that much, some probably disagree. You now have like 5 cool houses for free and, mostly importantly, you have horse armor! The game is saved.

I can completely understand why someone could consider this as one of the greatest expansions of all time, as it adds imaginative situations, a whole new map, many new enemies and items, etc. It basically perfects everything about the game. But by the time I crossed the gate I had played Oblivion for like 100 hours and I was extremely tired of it. Just before uninstalling the game I played the Ghosts of Vitharn quest and that was pretty cool.

This is a pretty simple DLC compared to Shivering Isles, but it made me feel like a beloved knight in shining armor, which fits with my playstyle.

Today I uninstalled this after playing it for 129 hours according to my save game. It took me like a year cause I got bored or busy, I don't feel like playing another long game anytime soon, I'm exhausted. I played Skryrim before this one and sadly it just feels like a worse version of that game that doesn't have some of the things I loved about it, like the ability to form a family, and beautiful landscapes. The towns and country all look kind of the same, it's just a giant grassland. And the people look so ugly, and I can't even have an epic beard because all the beards are sprayed on, except for the one that the DLC character Sheogorath has. I did enjoy some quests and you can argue that the factions are better than in Skyrim. The first two I did were the best: the Arena (Which made me feel like an unstoppable gladiator) and the Thieves Guild (Which made me feel like I was a part of a communist revolution). The Daedric Gods ones were pretty cool too.

A rather essential addition to the game, mainly adding the abilty to play as three of the boss characters. I absolutely love Estel, it feels so good to jump on a guy and punch him to death, she is my main alongside Axel, and overall the character that I find the most fun to play.

The other big addition is the survival mode (Similar to the base game's "Boss Rush"), I never pay attention to this mode in other games, but here it's actually great, cause after you beat a group of enemies on a stage, you earn a crazy extra superpower like double jump or electric damage, and you go in a fight in a completely new stage with different enemies, and they give you some stupid weapons like a giant swordfish, it's just fun to see how long you can last and the randomized aspect keeps it fresh. And once you are done playing a match, your points can earn you alternative moves for the character you played as, and you can use these moves in any game mode. Some of my favourite moves of the entire game are unlocked here, including the ability to make Axel roll into a fireball, I never walk normally now.

This is the first side-scrolling beat 'em up game I've completed and it was a super fun experience. It basically works as a remake of the first three games, adapting many heroes and enemies into an updated gorgeous artstyle. It's always more fun to play with friends (Especially if you turn on friendly fire and you accidentally throw a pipe at their head), but it also works well as a single-player experience. I loved the characters, each of them felt really differerent, I chose the main guy becuase he's cute and I'm basic. You also gain points to unlock the old pixelated versions of the main characters, including some that were not remastered in this game. My biggest problem with it is that it's pretty short and they repeat some bosses (They make you fight two old bosses at the same time or something) when it would have been cooler to have a unique boss per stage.