Although I didn't fall in love with the campaign as much as the rest of the world did (retroactively), from a design standpoint it may be one of the most perfect FPS single player exeperiences I've had. I know that is a weird statement to make, but I guess the best way to describe it is that I recognized the objective & mechanical excellence of the design on display here however it didn't grip me as strong personally as it could have. I would recommend this to literally everyone however: the movement controls are superb and have now kind of created the bedrock for the way modern FPS games play (they almost all have some kind of parkour/advanced movement mechanics), for the most part the difficultly scales at a solid pace and every new level is giving you a new environment & new abilities to keep things fresh.

That last element is I think the most important: the campaign is short & sweet so as to not overstay it's welcome, but pretty much every new environment or conditional ability is a cool one. The time skip level is an all-timer, jumping around the sky in the big satellite array is wonderful visually, everything stays fresh & exciting. I wasn't the biggest fan of the Titan combat after the fast & kinetic ground gameplay, but again it's a good shakeup to keep you on your toes and adaptable to the new challenges (though these encounters like the Viper fight got a little tedious at points). Even the story, while a little generic, does great character building between our protag & BT while providing very minor little elements to grow their relationship (the baseball throws and such). Great choice to make BT basically Optimus Prime too with his silky voice, but I digress.

A kind of perfect little game, that I could see myself attempting again to try to get all the helmets. Deserves the love.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
