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Time Played

20h 0m


Difficulty: 3/10
Time: 15-20 hours
Platinum N°: 109

An indie game that mixes action rpg genre with simulator, we are the director of an academy where we will have to train students to turn them into strong warriors at the service of the crown.

We must go out on missions with apprentice students to level them up and be able to turn them into warriors, wizards or scouts. We can equip them with weapons and accessories while in our academy we manage resources and build classrooms, dormitories, cafeterias, among other structures that generate benefits for our students.

The trophies consist of graduating 50 students, promoting students to advanced categories, obtaining 3 rare weapons through secondary missions, achieving the 3 endings, among others.

A game that despite its visual simplicity entertained me, and a sequel has already been announced.