Difficulty: 2/10
Time to platinum: 3 - 5 hours
Platinum N°: 101

Astro's Playroom is a game that comes installed on Playstation 5 as a way to teach you the characteristics and functions of the controller. It was a surprise when i realized that it is a little more than that, it is an ode to Playstation, his consoles and franchises.

It is a platform game and takes place inside the PS5, where we will visit 4 worlds based on RAM, GPU, Cooling and SSD, there is also a CPU Plaza and a PS Lab. In each world you must collect coins, find puzzle pieces and artifacts (Sony consoles and accessories).

The game is also full of nods to emblematic franchises, it is impossible not to smile more than once when seeing them.

The trophies are simple, finish the game, find all the artifacts, the puzzle pieces, and perform miscellaneous actions.

A game with very beautiful visuals, with lots of touches of humor and nostalgia.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time to platinum: 15-18 hours
Platinum N°: 103

What a strange thing is Bugsnax, you are a journalist who arrives on an island where a town of humanoid creatures live, but their leader is lost and everybody is away. It will be your mission to find out what happened and meet these characters.

The mechanics of the game are based on capturing food-shaped creatures that live in the different scenarios, and when they feed them to these humanoids, they are capable of altering parts of their body... yes, all very strange.

The trophies are about finishing the story, all the side missions, catching all the creatures and miscellaneous actions.

Despite how strange it sounds Bugsnax is a very interesting bet, with a very crazy and quite dark story and some wierd mechanics, but all being said it was very entertaining to play.

Difficulty 5/10
Time to platinum: 25-30 hours
Platinum N°: 102

A platform game that surprised me quite a bit. It has some creative levels, some well-known mixed music themes (Up Town Funk), and can be played cooperatively by up to 4 people.

We control Sackboy who must save Craftworld from the evil Vex. The story doesn't go any deeper than that, but we will have some cinematics from time to time.

Trophies are a mix of finishing the game, miscellaneous actions, and cooperative actions. The most difficult trophy is the last time challenge, which is a circuit with all the previous challenges attached and you have to finish it in less than 10 minutes.

A very good game without a doubt, I didn't have much faith in it and I was surprised.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time to platinum: 14-18 hours
Platinum N°: 105

Maneater puts us in the shoes of a shark and we must travel through an open world location, eating fish, humans and completing missions. By eating we acquire nutrients and we can level up and use them to level up equipment that we are acquiring ... yes, as it sounds. By completing certain missions or defeating hunters who will chase us if we make a lot of chaos, we will obtain equipment for our jaw, fins, tails, etc, which will give us abilities and in turn change the look of the shark.

The story is pretty meh, and the game has several collectibles that are needed for platinum, as well as getting level 10 infamy and defeating all alpha predators.

It's a fairly straightforward platinum and the game itself is quite repetitive, but it works if you want to play something without much thought.

Difficulty: 3/10
Time to platinum: 15-20 hours
Platinum N°: 106

This game could be considered the third film in the franchise. The script was written by Dan Aykroyd, and the late Harold Ramis and all the original actors reprized their roles.

You control a fifth Ghostbuster, a new recruit, who is silent but Peter, Egon, Ray and Winston accompany you guiding the story, which has the same tone as the movies and has several references to it.

The trophies are not complicated: you must scan all the ghosts, find all the collectibles, finish the game on professional difficulty, finish with less than $ 100,000 of property damage, and finish it with more than $ 3,000,000 of property damage, for which requires finishing it 2 times.

An ideal game for movies and franchise lovers. I personally liked it, but if you didn't see any of the movies, to be honest, I don't recommend it.

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: 15-20 hours
Platinum N°: 109

An indie game that mixes action rpg genre with simulator, we are the director of an academy where we will have to train students to turn them into strong warriors at the service of the crown.

We must go out on missions with apprentice students to level them up and be able to turn them into warriors, wizards or scouts. We can equip them with weapons and accessories while in our academy we manage resources and build classrooms, dormitories, cafeterias, among other structures that generate benefits for our students.

The trophies consist of graduating 50 students, promoting students to advanced categories, obtaining 3 rare weapons through secondary missions, achieving the 3 endings, among others.

A game that despite its visual simplicity entertained me, and a sequel has already been announced.

Difficulty: 5/10
Timo to platinum: 18-20 hours
Platinum N°: 111

A 2D sidescrolling game that takes the style of the NES classics Ninja Gaiden. We control a Ninja who must deliver a scroll, hence the name of the game.

To my surprise, it has a lot of humor and breaks to the 4th wall, i saw myself laughing in several instances.

The trophies mostly come out at the end of the story, but there are a couple that are missables and are related to obtaining special dialogues with the merchant, obtaining all the emblem fragments, completing the dark cave in the dark (yes, as it sounds), and get from the beginning to the Queen of Thorns without losing.

A very good title, i had a great time playing it although I had my moments of anger at times . Pixel art is pure nostalgia and in turn has a twist with which they show us a more modern style.

Difficult: 3/10
Time to platinum: 10-15 hours
Platinum N°: 110

The game is a 2D action and platform game where we control Narita Boy, the hero who must save the Digital World from the evil Stallions and recover the memories of the Creator.

You must explore the Digital World finding upgrades, diskettes that serve as keys and fighting various types of enemies.

The pixel art and the music are wonderful, it even has a musical theme. The visuals with that style of monitor from the '80s are perfect and combined with the pixel art they are a visual delight.

The trophies are pretty straightforward and almost all of them come out as you progress through the story, but there are a couple that are missable and are related to unlocking a special memory of the Creator.

A game that i enjoyed so much and for lovers of indies and pixel art, i recommend that you do not let it pass (it's on sale on psn right now).

Platinum difficult: 2/10
Time to Platinum: 80 hours

I love managment resource games and this was a blast to play and has a very dark humour, that is always welcome. The game doesn't tell you much about what to do, so it was kind of a rough start, but that was more fun to me. You're the graveyard keeper, so your mission is to take care of the graveyard in town (that's the short version, no spoilers), "autopsy" the dead bodies and take care of the tombs. Also you can work your farm, sell items, and even resurrect people as zombies and put them to work for you xD. Very fun platinum to get, but maybe not for everyone.

Difficulty: 5/10
Time to platinum: 30-35 hours
Platinum N°: 112

A metroidvania game that puts us in the shoes of Lily, the last maiden of a kingdom ravaged by an eternal rain that turns people into the undead. We must explore the corners of this kingdom, try to figure out what happened and find the source of the rain.

The art of the game is beautiful and exudes an air of melancholy thanks to its music and the images of the devastated place.

Trophies are what you expect in a game like this: go 100% around the map, find all the relics and all the notes. But You also have to reach level 100, purify all the heroes, raise 5 skills to the maximum and see the 3 endings (it is not necessary to play it 3 times), among others.

It is not a revolutionary game or anything like that, but among so much game of this style, it is definitely one that is worth playing.

Difficulty: 4/10
Time to platinum: 15-18 hours
Platinum N°: 113

What a big surprise this game was, not only because is a gem that honors survival horror classics like Resident Evil, Silent Hill and Alone in the Dark, but also because it was made by a Chilean development studio call Dual Effect Games 😁🇨🇱.

We play as Caroline, who goes to a mysterious mansion to discover the origin of a photograph that was sent to her, but upon arrival she is beaten and wakes up intubated and without an eye.

We will have to explore this terrifying place surviving the attacks of bizarre creatures and solving puzzles, who are the strong point of the game cause they are very well designed.

The trophies require collecting all the pages of some diaries, getting 2 of the 3 endings, finishing the game without saving, finishing it without recovering energy and finishing it in less than 3 hours.

If you love survival horror this is a title that you must play.

Difficulty: 3/10
Time to platinum: 50-75 hours
Platinum N°: 75

I loved this game! Always wanted that Nintendo implement some kind of achievement system, this is the closer to get a platinum on a Pokemon. The story is one of the high points of the game, is hooking, hilarious and some times very serious. The characters are fun and also the good and bad side of things gets a little blurry with all the things happening in the Nexomon world. It also has a lot of humor and 4th walls breaks and i found myself laughing out loud many times.

The Nexomon: You have dinaosurs, bugs, phantoms, animals and some wierd ones like a lightbulb. The game has 381 creatures (a lot!), and your starter choice are between 9 Nexomons!

Tamers on roads can be challenge more than once (after a couple of minutes) and every time they have more powerful Nexomons or evolve the ones they have giving you a new challenge.

The game is an open world so it was a little overwhelming at the beginnig 'cause every place i went had different Nexomons so i didn't know were to focus.

You have side quests, secret places to discover, you can equip items to your Nexomons to help you gain more coins, exp, or more defense, attack or resistence.

As a platinum is wasn't that hard, but you had to grind specially closer to the end. You must catch all the 381 Nexomons, and some special Nexomons appeard at random, so i spend a lot of time searching for them. You also have to fight every tamer in the game...twice!

For a Pokemon fan is difficult not to compare both games, but at the end i think that's the point. If you never played a Pokemon game you could probably going to have fun with the game, but if you are a Pokemon fan you going to enjoy a lot more of Nexomon. You're going to understand the reference, value the changes, compare creatures designs, laugh with the jokes and would notice all the love the developers (who probably are big Pokemon fans) had put on this game. If you are still reading, i hope this words could help you gave this game a chance, you won't regret it.

Difficulty: 4/10
Time to platinum: 60-80 hours
Platinum N°: 114

One of the best jrpg i've played in the last time without a doubt.

It features a beautiful world filled with well-designed locations, addictive and dynamic combat, lovable characters, and a story that got me hooked from the start.

The path to the platinum is long and consists of: level up to 100, defeat various special bosses (some of level 99), catch all the fish, find all the owls (collectibles), forge 100 weapons, complete 70 sub quests and watch 300 long conversations, among others.

A game that made me feel what Final Fantasy has not made me feel for years, the only negative point i found (at least in my humble opinion), is that near the end the story lengthens the arrival with the final boss quite a bit. But beyond that if you are a fan of jrpg is a must play.

Difficulty: 6/10
My time: around 110 hours
Platinum N°: 135

Finally I was able to platinum Ys VIII and I must say that it was a bit of a suffering experience, and the reason for that is a trophy that asks to finish the game in nightmare difficulty.

Other than that the platinum consists of getting 100% of: items, weapons, accessories and cooking recipes. Discover all the map, open all the chests in the game, finish all the raids and hunts, max all the skills (12 per character), complete the bestiary, among other things.

Beyond the length of going for the platinum, the game is very good, all the mechanics complement each other very well, the characters are lovable although some are very cliché and according to some media is the best Ys out there.

If you like jrpg I recommend it 100%, the Ys games like most Final Fantasy, are unitary stories so you don't need to have played the previous ones to enjoy it.

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: around 150 hours
Platinum N°: 131

Ever since I got my hands on Sim City 3000 when I was a kid I've loved city building games, and Cities Skylines is a new step on the City simulators games.

You start by choosing a piece of land where you can build your city, taking into account the needs of your citizens and making sure they don't lack education, health, safety and commerce. As your population grows you unlock new elements to build such as parks, monuments and public transportation.

For the platinum you must have a city with 100,000 inhabitants, manage to build all the special buildings and complete several objectives. That took me around 50 hours, but the icing on the cake and the reason for the additional hours is the trophy of the 1001 nights in the game. It took me a week.