Difficulty: 9/10
My time: 32 hours
Platinum N°: 125

I really like Sekiro but the game is very difficult thou, Souls games always take me a bit but the Sekiro's combat system was a tremendous challenge for my reflexes. Near the end I was able to fight some bosses head-on, blocking and deflecting their attacks, and it was amazing, but then again there were other bosses that cost me a lot each time 🙃.

Platinum consists of defeating all bosses, getting 4 endings, upgrading all tools, and acquiring all skills, among other things.


Difficulty 5/10
My time: around 80 hours
My platinum N°: 152

Returnal is a third-person roguelike where we control Selena, an astronaut who crashes on the planet Atropos, being trapped in a time loop. We will have to explore the planet, obtaining weapons, upgrades and collectibles, but if we lose we will start all over again from the beginning.

The path to the platinum is long and has to do with the collectibles and the fact that the scenarios change every time we start over. Although the collectibles are always in the same rooms, the latter do not always appear.

To obtain the platinum we must: find all the audio files, all the xenoglyhps, obtain 200% integrity, reach level 30 weapon mastery, get 5 parasites at the same time, complete Act 1, 2 and 3, among others.

I really enjoyed Returnal, the battles with enemies and bosses were very entertaining and visually well done, and the story was interesting although a bit confusing at times.

Doom Eternal

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: around 35 hours
My platinum N°: 151

Doom Eternal, like its first part, is a first person shooter that prioritizes fast-paced combat, has a lot of gore, scenarios with hidden collectibles and a story that tries to unite the lore of the original Doom. All this in a quite successful way in my opinion.

The path to the platinum trophy consists mostly of getting items throughout the campaign, like upgrade items for your suit and weapons, completing some challenges and getting all the collectibles. It has 6 multiplayer trophies in a online mode called Battlemode, is 2 vs 1 mode, but the good thing is that the game still has active players. How long it takes will depend on the skill of each player.

You also have to finish the campaign in the Extra Life mode (which has perma death) with at least 10 lives in your inventory, which is much easier than it sounds because you can do it on the lowest difficulty.

Final Fantasy XVI

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: around 70 hours
My platinum N°: 153

FF 16 was an incredible visual spectacle, the beautiful soundtrack will stay in my head for a while, and the design and level of detail of the enemies is just awesome. All this added to the powerful story make FF16 a fantastic rpg.

The way to the platinum is easy, just finish the story and do every sidequest, every hunt, don't sell any materials so you can craft the Gotterdammerung, and after finishing the game, play again on NG+ on FF mode. Equip items that gave you more ability points and exp from the first playthrough.

Despite all the good things I had some problems with the game, I didn't like the sidequests, many of the side characters I found very generic (also in design) and I felt that it lacked more replayability, secrets, and things to do. Maybe I'm getting old and my nostalgia for the older FFs is weighing me down.

Despite the negative points it's a title you have to play.