Final Fantasy XVI

Difficulty: 3/10
Time: around 70 hours
My platinum N°: 153

FF 16 was an incredible visual spectacle, the beautiful soundtrack will stay in my head for a while, and the design and level of detail of the enemies is just awesome. All this added to the powerful story make FF16 a fantastic rpg.

The way to the platinum is easy, just finish the story and do every sidequest, every hunt, don't sell any materials so you can craft the Gotterdammerung, and after finishing the game, play again on NG+ on FF mode. Equip items that gave you more ability points and exp from the first playthrough.

Despite all the good things I had some problems with the game, I didn't like the sidequests, many of the side characters I found very generic (also in design) and I felt that it lacked more replayability, secrets, and things to do. Maybe I'm getting old and my nostalgia for the older FFs is weighing me down.

Despite the negative points it's a title you have to play.

Doom Eternal

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: around 35 hours
My platinum N°: 151

Doom Eternal, like its first part, is a first person shooter that prioritizes fast-paced combat, has a lot of gore, scenarios with hidden collectibles and a story that tries to unite the lore of the original Doom. All this in a quite successful way in my opinion.

The path to the platinum trophy consists mostly of getting items throughout the campaign, like upgrade items for your suit and weapons, completing some challenges and getting all the collectibles. It has 6 multiplayer trophies in a online mode called Battlemode, is 2 vs 1 mode, but the good thing is that the game still has active players. How long it takes will depend on the skill of each player.

You also have to finish the campaign in the Extra Life mode (which has perma death) with at least 10 lives in your inventory, which is much easier than it sounds because you can do it on the lowest difficulty.


Difficulty 5/10
My time: around 80 hours
My platinum N°: 152

Returnal is a third-person roguelike where we control Selena, an astronaut who crashes on the planet Atropos, being trapped in a time loop. We will have to explore the planet, obtaining weapons, upgrades and collectibles, but if we lose we will start all over again from the beginning.

The path to the platinum is long and has to do with the collectibles and the fact that the scenarios change every time we start over. Although the collectibles are always in the same rooms, the latter do not always appear.

To obtain the platinum we must: find all the audio files, all the xenoglyhps, obtain 200% integrity, reach level 30 weapon mastery, get 5 parasites at the same time, complete Act 1, 2 and 3, among others.

I really enjoyed Returnal, the battles with enemies and bosses were very entertaining and visually well done, and the story was interesting although a bit confusing at times.

Difficulty: 9/10
My time: 32 hours
Platinum N°: 125

I really like Sekiro but the game is very difficult thou, Souls games always take me a bit but the Sekiro's combat system was a tremendous challenge for my reflexes. Near the end I was able to fight some bosses head-on, blocking and deflecting their attacks, and it was amazing, but then again there were other bosses that cost me a lot each time 🙃.

Platinum consists of defeating all bosses, getting 4 endings, upgrading all tools, and acquiring all skills, among other things.

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: 18 hours
Platinum N°: 154

We put ourselves in the shoes of Otto, a boy who enters the Dodgeball Academy and whose goal is to win the tournament that is about to take place. We will have to form a team for the tournament, go to some classes and face the different challenges that will be presented to us in this crazy academy, from ghosts, robots and rival teams.

The path to platinum is simple, complete all the side quests, get all the accessories, get a platinum medal in all the challenges, among others.

I was pleasantly surprised with this game, the story has a lot of humor, the characters are very charismatic and fun, their designs are very well done and the gameplay is entertaining and sometimes challenging.

Recommended 100% and I hope a sequel comes in the not too distant future.

Difficulty: 3/10
My time: around 50 hours
Platinum N°: 150

Days Gone was a polarizing game for me, one of the high points is the combat against the Hordes. They are very well designed and facing one is very adrenalinic... unfortunately the best 3 hordes of the game occur during the story and near the final moments.

The story manages to shine in several moments...but that starts to happen when you get to the third camp several hours after starting. That coupled with poor narrative pacing, clichéd dialogue and characters making very strange decisions, taints what could have been something memorable, not to mention that the story is very long.

I enjoyed Days Gone? Yes, yes I enjoyed it, the combat is very entertaining, the world is well done, today on ps5 it looks excellent, and the good moments are very good. But the negative distracted me from my enjoyment at various times.

And about the platinum, just play and try to do all the missions and explore the map. There is no missable trophy.

Difficulty: 3/10
My time: 71 hours
Platinum N°: 149

Playing as a Jedi or a Sith is something I've always enjoyed, and Jedi Survivor has many improvements compare to the previous game. A better combat, fewer planets than the previous installment, but a very large one to explore, new Force powers, and a pretty emotional story for Cal and his friends that kept me entertained for many hours.

The path to the platinum involves finishing the story, completing the cantina's fish tank, defeating all the bounty hunters, scanning all enemies, completing all battles in the Holotactics mini-game, completing three skill trees, among others.

A great adventure and if you're a Star Wars fan it's 100% a must play.

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: around 18 hours
Platinum N°: 148

Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is a metroidvania game where you must traverse a kingdom whose population has been turned into animals, and you must catch the culprit and restore everything back to normal. Along the way, you will gain the ability to transform into a pig, a snake, a lion, a dragon, and a frog, each with unique abilities that will allow you to solve puzzles and overcome challenges to progress.

The path to the platinum trophy consists of exploring the map 100%, finding all the hearts, opening all the chests in the game, completing the secret dungeon, obtaining all the pieces of the golden set, among other things.

I really enjoyed this game, the puzzles are varied and some are quite challenging. The animations and characters are also well-done, making it a game that is definitely worth playing.

Difficulty: 3/10
My time: 12 hours
Platinum N°: 147

Looking for something to play, I came across Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood on PS Plus Extra, unfortunately, the game falls short in several aspects such as the visual theme.

The faces are awful, the scenarios are similar and monotonous, and the cinematics look strange, as if the compression didn't turn out well. The story has interesting touches but is overshadowed by the poor presentation. The gameplay, on the other hand, is acceptable, it's fun to destroy enemies as a Werewolf, but sadly it becomes very old very quickly.

The path to the platinum trophy consists of finding all the Spirits (collectibles), reading 30 documents (collectibles), getting both endings, completing 1 level without killing any civilians, winning a fight with 5% energy, among others.

Honestly, I don't recommend this title unless you want a relatively short platinum to earn

Difficulty: 3/10
My time: around 8 hours
Platinum N°: 146

Searching for what to play i found this wierd game about a Goose that made a lot of noise a while back. So i figure it was time for gave it a chance.

In Untitled Goose Game you control a Goose and must wreck havoc on a small town. The game is hilarious, the puzzles are fun and it has a lot of charming.

The road to the platinum consist on complete all scenarios, complete them again in under 6 minutes each and some specific actions you must do.

I get what all the fuzz was about, the game is really good even if is a short one and creating chaos while being a Goose never was that fun.

Difficulty: 7/10
My time: around 40 hours
Platinum N°: 145

I have a blast playing it, RE4 Remake captures the escence of the original game and even improve it.

The road to the platinum was quite an odyssey cause you need to get rank S+ on some difficulties but rank S+ can only be obtained starting a New Game, not ln New Game+. So my path was finish and enjoy the game, then a playthrough with only pistol and knive on asist difficulty, then only with rocket launcher with infinte ammo and withouth talk to the merchant on professional, and then S+ on hardcore, and the last one was S+ on standar. I was save from doing Rank S+ on profesional thanks to Mercenary Mode, cause i got the Handcannon on it, and it was quite easy 😅.

An amazing game and another winner for the Resident Evil franchise.

Difficulty: 2/10
My time: 12 hours
Platinum N°: 144

The last time I played a Tekken was Tekken 3 on psone, I played Tekken 2 as well but 3 is the one I remember the most.

Tekken 7 was included in PSPlus Extra so it seemed like a good opportunity to play this franchise after so many years.

The platinum is easy to obtain, it has only 4 online trophies, win 1 battle in each online mode and participate in 10 battles in total, and the rest consists of finishing the story mode, do 50 thousand damage to the opponent in practice mode, perform 3 combos of 10 hits, get 10 million in money, promote to Warrior category, among others.

It was interesting to return to the franchise after so many years, although I have to admit that it did not captivate me as much as other games of the genre. But despite the latter, I was entertained after several months without playing anything.


Difficulty: 4/10
My time: 25 hours
Platinum N°: 143

Sifu puts us in the shoes of a young man who seeks revenge for the death of his father, the master of a Kung Fu school.

We must go through 5 levels to face the bosses responsible, but every time we die we revive losing years, gaining more strength but losing health. At the same time we will be able to unlock new skills and find collectibles.

The path to platinum consists of defeating all the bosses with a takedown, obtaining the 4 talismans, finding all the evidence of our research wall, using all the concentration attacks at least once, obtaining the true ending, among others.

The combat mechanics are awesome and once you master them the battles can be epic. If you like action games, martial arts movies and a good challenge, this is a must play.

Difficulty: 4/10
My time: around 50 hours
Platinum N°: 142

One of the best games of the year without a doubt. Kratos and Atreus return to face Odin, Thor and countless dangers in the end of the saga of Agsard.

The path to platinum consists of upgrading a set of armor to the max, finding all the artifacts, all the shields, completing the Crucible trials, completing the game and defeating a couple of secret bosses.

I really enjoyed the story and found the ending satisfying. I'm looking forward to seeing what Santa Monica has planned for the future of the franchise.

Difficulty: 2/10
My time: 41 hours
Platinum N°: 141

Spiritfarer is an open world resource management game with beautiful animations. We will be in the role of Stella who, together with her cat Daffodil, must find spirits scattered around the world, try to fulfill their last wishes and help them to go through the door to the afterlife.

We have at our disposal a ship where we can build rooms for the spirits, forges, warehouses, planting grounds, and in turn travel the ocean visiting various islands, collecting resources and fulfilling requests.

The game's trophies consist of: obtaining all the cooking recipes, improving the rooms of some spirits, achieving full happiness at least once for all the spirits, activating all the altars, among others.

An indie that I enjoyed a lot and that in addition to the aforementioned has lovable characters and deals with themes such as death, compassion and acceptance in a masterful and beautiful way.