Legendary soundtrack, amazing characters, and hilarious dialogue. I don't know how a game can go from a skeleton with a bunch of hotdogs on his head to heartfelt emotional scenes that will make you cry. If it's been awhile, go back and replay this game, you won't forget it.

A timeless game that is always fun to play with friends, however the bot problem and lack of updates keeps it from being a perfect game. Every character can be played in a variety of ways, none of them are the same. There's a nice learning curve, that always makes you strive to do better. I always want to play just one more game, after finishing a match. I wish Valve cared more about this game.

The OG rpgmaker atmospheric game that went on to inspire many others including, Omori, OFF, Hylics, Undertale, Ib, etc.

The atmosphere of this game is incredible, every area gives a new vibe. All of the music is just 6 second loops, but it really adds to the feeling of being in a dream. There's so many rare or hidden events, each playthrough will be different. It's free so just go play it

Very cute and charming, however it's repetitive. I wish there was something to do other than just explore and farm, like talk to some NPCs. You do a cycle of tasks each day, feed your slimes, explore, farm resources, and repeat.
Just not the game for me, but if you like farm sims such as Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon, you might enjoy this.