Furi 2016

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

May 9, 2024

First played

April 29, 2024

Platforms Played


Furi is a weird game but ultimately I was left with a more positive experience than a negative one. I'm not sure how I feel about the bullet hell segments of this game but I really did like the close combat sections. With that being said, my favourite and least favourite bosses were The Edge and The Star, the former feeling very fair and every mistake is your own, while the latter is a really long and annoying boss especially due to the last phase going on for so long. I had to turn down the difficulty because I was getting really annoyed with that last phase. Honestly though, the game wasn't too bad in terms of difficulty. I think most bosses I beat in a good amount of tries, and some I even beat on the first. I guess the only thing I can really say about the bosses in particular I didn't like were the ones that were really hard to hit like The Song (though that boss is still good, just a bit annoying). The music for the bosses makes up for any gimmicks I don't like though, since all the songs are absolute bangers in this game, especially the battle theme for The Song. The voice acting is hit or miss for me, I feel like most of the voices are fine but at worst could use more voice lines since certain bosses like The Hand were just getting on my nerves since he would say the same few lines all the time. Only other thing I didn't really like or care for was the story. Not that it's bad but the presentation wasn't that good in my opinion. I wish there was more than just walking slowly in these paths while getting exposition dumped, especially since the paths look really cool to explore (though there's nothing to find) and you can just press a button to auto-walk. Overall, Furi gets a mostly positive look for me as there's many great elements in this game, though some things like the story presentation could be done better.