peak fiction, love the slop. havent played more than 2 hours though, i am too fast. my b.

My favourite game of all time, along with it's DLC "Future Redeemed". I love it based on its own merits. The Stories and themes is wonderful, amazing cast, the music is great and the world is beautiful. As much as i love this game for what is it, i also hold a lot of sentimental value towards it. The game and later it's DLC, both came out during times where I needed it to most. The DLC in particular, really helped my grieving.

Gorgeous music, amazing atmosphere and level design. The peak in the Mario franchise tbh. Galaxy 2 is a great as well, but i have more attachment and nostalgia for the first one.

Childhood classic, brings me memories of when things was simple. Amazing cast and the music is my favourite in the series. Never hesitate to come back to this masterpiece.