I got this game because a youtube channel uploaded it's soundtrack

A sublime, cute arcade puzzle games with plenty of content to sink your teeth into. From stacking dozens of items in Tower of Infinity, gathering all the treasures in Treasure Island, or trying to 100% complete the game via referring to the Memories of Glory, there's plenty of options the switch port of Part Time UFO offers to you!

A simple, charming, and whimsical point & click adventure! I still like to boot it up from time to time and experience it's unique art direction.

A unique collection of some of Sonic's lesser talked-about games. To be honest, the three games the box heavily advertises (CD, fighters, and R) are the main stand-out titles that will give you the most entertainment with their unique mechanics & art directions. The game gear selection has not exactly aged the best unfortunately... Makes me wonder about all the other obscure sonic games that could have been included.

I played this perfectly during my transition. I could relate to not all, but many of the experiences the protagonist Haru experiences throughout this short tale.

Recommend to trans people and anyone else that feels trapped by obstacles they put within themselves.

How does that dinosaur's legs not get tired???