42 reviews liked by IamNotTheGuy

Never in a game have I been this scared of a jpg

A competent Pokémon clone, based on a show that was made by a sex-offender



”They’re not us.”

Holy fuck this game is so underrated and overlooked, takes everything that Amnesia had but amps it up to the highest level there is. Frictional games have truly mastered horror with this game, I can’t even copy and paste shit on my computer without thinking about Soma. The atmosphere is great, the horror is superb and the story is fucking amazing. Most of the monsters are cool, the gameplay got a little repetitive and some sections were annoying by the end but nothing that completely ruined it. The visuals were a big upgrade from Amnesia and my god that ending was just a straight up masterpiece, my only gripe with the ending is that I wish the sequence after the credits was just removed in my opinion. Other than that I had a mostly amazing experience, definitely better than Amnesia and deserves more attention.



pretty fun with friends, haven't played it in years but it's nice that it still gets updates

había olvidado este juego. lo jugué hace un montón y solo diré que nunca había conectado tanto con personajes que no ves y en menos de una hora de gameplay

eso sí del epílogo entendí entre poco y nada

me indigna. alguien puede explicarme por qué los juegos con las mejores ideas, los mensajes más potentes, las emociones más fuertes y las mejores maneras de aprovechar su medio SON SIEMPRE INDIES DE 10 MINUTOS DE DURACIÓN Y 5 EUROS DE PRESUPUESTO??!??

no en serio, me jode. imagínate un juego con estos conceptos pero hecho como triple a y durando aunque sea 10 horas, eso sí sería una barbaridad......

pero bueno. este juego dura 20 minutos y es increíble. me da miedo eso sí jugadlo de todas formas

i felt bad because i immediately had an idea of what was going on because i know it all too well and have experienced it myself and still am experiencing these feelings

el vacio que me dejo este juego,,, solo por el hecho de que se siente incompleto si no le saco todos los finales

accurate representation of a person with social anxiety

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