38 Reviews liked by Iameverything

IMO one of the best DLC campaigns, even with the bad reputation.

easily one of the best 2d platformers

While I do think its a solid game, there are so many frustrating moments. The random type of stuff where if you don't react within one millisecond you just die. Plus the bosses kinda suck too

Overrated. Gunplay is trash, movement is trash, graphics are trash. Game is just generally outdated and hurts too much to play to get to the supposed good part.

And it’s got so maybe meatriders, and for what? You don’t even have to mention Fallout 4 for a New Vegas fanboy to appear and start trashing on it and saying that New Vegas is so much better and that it’s the second coming of Christ.

I hate New Vegas fansboys.

I have that dragon ball autism now so of course I liked this one

Classic game, fun time filler.

after playing through the game 3 times aswell as 100%ing everything, this is a true mastahpiece. i regret never fully playing through this when I bought the original game in 2015.

sad that this game underperformed:(((((( i really enjoyed it and hope Insomniac does more of these instead of marvel shit

if this game was 20 hours instead of ALMOST 40 I think this would be a truly great game just like the ones before it. there are so many great ideas buried through how god damn slow it all feels

im not as negative on the game as many others but i do feel like this disregards platinum and thats the best one. although if youre a newcomer and want to experience gen 4, this could be a worthy purchase! it has quality of life features like exp share that make the tougher fights not as challenging as the original game. veterans hate this and i agree with most of it.

disagree with me all you want i just cannot enjoy these games. i come to this series for a multitude of things such as how creative you can get with team building and great replay value. this game lacks that. add onto it the sheer slowdown of it all makes me never wanting to revisit it outside of my original playthrough. i thought it was pretty good back then but now, i never wanna touch this again frankly.