38 Reviews liked by Iameverything

Pretty good game! My only major complaint are some bosses being hit or miss. Otherwise this is recommended.

Decent game with mods and friends, gets a bit repetitive over time.

when im in a worst dlc competition and Dragon's Dogma 2: Portcrystal - Warp Location Marker walks in

Easy to play, hard to master. Fun game overall.

Its a short yet well designed game. Only took about 3 hours to beat. I didn't like the last two stages but the rest of the package was peak. Still recommended.

game is so damn good man. i feel like this is a game that anyone regardless of if they like survival horror could pick up and play.

In a lot of other FPS games, you play as a trained soldier or if not that at least someone with some degree of combat training. In Half-life, you play as a random nerdy scientist who gets flung into a life or death scenario for reasons entirely outside of his control, and what's cool about Half-Life is that it absolutely makes you feel exactly like that. You could argue this is a skill issue, but when you're fighting in Half-Life, every second Gordon continues to live feels like a miracle from God, which only makes it all the more satisfying when you finally win and get to move on to the next area. The slippery movement, aim assist making sure you don't have to stop moving and jumping around like a maniac, and satisfying weapons make Half-Life's combat some of the most frantic, desperate, but rewarding I've ever played, and it's definitely my favorite aspect of the game.

The puzzles and especially the story are also great, especially for the time this came out. i think Valve's puzzle crafting was definitely not as refined as it later became in Portal and HL2, but most of the puzzles in the game do still toe that line of not being too cryptic, but also not being so easy they aren't satisfying. The story of Half-Life is essentially just a story of everything going progressively more wrong, and i think it adds a lot to the desperate atmosphere I associate the game with. Every single possible thing is breaking or not going as planned, and it feels like the entire universe is against you, but somehow you still manage to keep progressing. The only thing keeping this game from 5 stars is the platforming sections, (especially some of the final areas), which due to the aforementioned slippery controls are more annoying than fun, but those sections are still somewhat manageable, and not all of them are even bad.

dmc 3 has stylish combos and challenging bossfights. liked watching Vergil and Dante interact. cutscenes were badass and loved the corny dialogue and jokes from Dante. but some enemies were a pain to deal with and ruined the flow for me. I had to completely change my playstyle to fight them one example is the angels them being able to fly through walls wasted a lot of my time.

GTA Online. It gave me adrenaline rushes, anger, pain, tears and sweat. I liked playing with strangers except when they shot me down because I am a woman and wore undergarments. It was indeed good gameplay and I liked having money to spend on girly fits and weapons and hairstyles. I didn't like the male gaze this game holds tho but got free drinks and party meow:33333

Great love to detail e.g. a new animation when 2 zombies attack you at once.
Liked the love story but wished mister x and ada fell in love and started a 3some with Leon meuwwwww :3333
Still has some flaws that carried over from its original, for example the tube-like level Design and a very weak weapon feedback, when you shoot at the bosses. Weak boss fights in general.
Still always live laugh love Ada. :3333meow

Wasn't expecting much because it was a game in my steam library I don't remember buying but this game is actually really good. It's got vibes, fun combat and I love Alice's outfit changes every level. Didn't play the first game but the story works even if you didn't play the first one.

all hidetaka miyazaki know is dodgeroll and Armored Core For Answer. has the honor of being the only third person game where i have to dissociate myself from the visible player model to enjoy

using a monster energy can as an ashtray, in video game form.

CS 1.9 (post comp matchmaking, it was aight but not great in 2012-14) and 2 have been mass-scale neurological poison that eventually made me swear off of competitive multiplayer games entirely (for the better), and for a very long time they had sullied my feelings toward the entire cstrike lineage. genuinely forgot how much fun and surprisingly relaxing it is to get steamrolled on cs_office, cs_assault or any of the Fun Yards. had more fun in 2 hours of just fucking around one night for Counter-Strike's sake than i did in nearly 200 hours of barely making it to gold nova.

the addition of steam networking after the HL25th update makes getting a lil crew together for some counter-strike romps plain simple, romps with friends that don't involve ELO or enticing you to spend $5000 Real Life Money gambling on free fpsbanana downloads, a net positive for the spirit. no need to have people screaming at you because your slightly-off performance at a Computer-Aided-Toy might make some of their invisible numbers go down, no teammates or enemies shaming you for not becoming as much of a gambling addict as they might be. (as of writing actual dedicated servers are a bit spotty but it's incredibly simple to just get a few folks together for a few maps of fragging)

cs 1.6 gained the potential to become Electronic Sports by sheer accident, something it undoubtedly fulfilled as it matured. but it doesn't force itself to be one every single second the code is being executed, something that is expected now in just about every versus multiplayer video game, often through force rather than accident.

in 2023 the vibe of counter-strike 1.6 is less like that of its successors from the '10s and going into the '20s: it's not the little league coach yelling at you after slamming 5 natty lights during halftime for making their kid look bad, the kid that they forced into the Ball Game to vicariously live out their faded hopes of becoming a Sport's. cs 1.6 is the day turned to night spent at a revolving set of skate spots. the only people there that belittle you for your skill (be it a lack or abundance of) are probably assholes from the jump, but if the vibes are off, nobody's forcing you stay there other than yourself. sure some may be better than you at it, possibly even pushing you to improve either directly or indirectly but when all is said and done, it aint about elitism, as the spirit of counter-strike has unfortunately evolved to be. the competition in a 1.6 pub is good natured. if it sucks, you can hit the bricks without recourse, and go join another server.

but action quake 2 is still the better game. cl_righthand 0 is the proper way to play.

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just about as good as everyone says, mostly just have scattered thoughts on this one
-me and my bf kept commenting every like half hour on how fucking good and iconic heather’s outfit is
-this whole game but especially the ending give me the same vibe as the suspiria remake from a few years ago
-my only other experience w this series is playing about half of 2 (very good but didn’t at all hook me like this one did) and watching the 2006 movie like five years ago, was pretty good from what I remember. I’ll probably play all of them aside from 1 and the vita game, will probably just read through the play novel as it seems pretty cool.
-vincent literally on his huey emmerich wave. funny guy, why is he 24 and why does sexy kit harrington play him in the second movie
-tbh only really played this bc for the last year I’ve been absolutely obsessed with akira yamaoka’s scores for the series. Got introduced to them via the boyfriend of a girl me and my boyfriend were friends with, he played sissy hypno one time while drunk and then proceeded to spend the entire night puking in my bathroom. Good times. You’re not here goated song.
-played this on easy action level easy riddle level bc fuck that this game is like a little archaic and I was pretty much entirely here for the story and the atmosphere. Only time I really had a hard time with the game was in the haunted mansion with the red light chasing you. Think that bit and it’s difficulty works for the best given the fact that up till that point red lights are almost seen as something comforting for the player and now the thing that’s helped u out sm through ur play through kills u almost instantaneously.