Second complete playthrough has yielded some... interesting thoughts. I still stand by my original assessment: you can dust off all the bugs, glitches, incompetent AI, meaningless open-world progression, and useless cosmetic system - at the heart of Cyberpunk 2077 is a disjointed narrative held aloft by the sheen of other, more prestigious games in CDPR's back catalogue. Aping the aesthetics of Mike Pondsmith's grungy sci-fi dystopia, the game can't seem to grasp that cyberpunk fiction is supposed to fly a big fat middle finger to the establishment. Cyberpunk is a transhumanist death rattle against the capitalist machine that crushes the majority under its exponentially growing boot. It should speak volumes that the game's avatar of rebellion, a rockstar terrorist played by cyberpunk mainstay Keanu Reeves, believes that true rebels only fight against institutions of power for their own self-interest. An RPG devoid of choice, a shooter devoid of purpose, and a story devoid of meaning. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't deserve a second chance, and it never will.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2022
