Log Status






Time Played

5h 47m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 9, 2024

First played

June 23, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


After completing the platinum of the game and doing literally everything that this game has to offer, to every easter egg or conversations possible with every NPC possible, now i finally feel like i can come here and make my:


◈ I did buy Cyberpunk on pre-order, since day 1 i played, but tbh i never did all the endings back there, finished the game once, kinda, honestly the game was so bugged, crashed so much, i literally had to start the game all over again 2 times because of a mission that was bugged so i could not go further in the main story, that was 2020.

◈ Now, 2024, 4 years later, 2 years after the year that this game was supose to come out, and it shows, the game was already playable given the many patches and QOL changes over the years, but this DLC, phantom liberty was just a slam dunk, what a send off

◈ This was one of the mostr emotional games i ever played, i trully believe this game has one of the greatest written stories on the medium, i really felt like this game was a simulator, maybe we heading to that future, i am starting to believe that

◈ The last time i played a game that legit made me cry, REALLY CRY for many times during the 200+ hours i played the game was maybe when i re-played the trilogy of MASS EFFECT

◈ Everything about this game (story, atmosphere, world building) was done to such perfection tha i actually feel sad that the game was not able to properly finish its cycle before launch, dont get me wrong, the game is still the worst game ever when its about bugs, every minute i played i found a bug, glitch, pretty much every other mission i had to load a save because the HUD or the mission itself was bugged, sometimes i had to replay the entire thing, other times i lost 1 hour of playtime cause the auto save didnt work and i didnt manually save, alot of things to complain here on the technical part of the game, its a mess

◈ I enjoyed every ending, some more then the others, i speacially like the DEVIL one, where V is given the ALTERED CARBON treatment, i would like that the game used that one for the sequel, so that V can come back

◈ I also enjoyed one of the new ones where V is cured but has to live as a regular choom, no chrome, just a regular person, that one i liked because, well, V is alive and is free, and i would also like to see V in the sequel and play as him with no chrome, imagine that being the hardest dificulty, MORGAN BLACKHAND himself

◈ Cyberpunk 2077 has the best sidequests i ever seen in a game also, i normally enjoy doing them in every game i have the option to, i am the kinda guy that likes to platinum my games so doing those is most of the times a must, and from all of the games i played, like ever, this has the best side quests, i made sure to do them all and even look on google if i made it right or if they had diferent endings

◈ I will leave this here, if for some reason they decide to not use V, if V is not the protag of the next game, i will NOT be playing, unfortunately, they created something i will never forget here, and if they just say "hehe f you reet, V is dead, we making a new one, letter F now, for F_4_G, that is you"

₪ Meh, i wanna rant about it, but w/e, game is amazing, go play, you will prob find yourself watching youtube videos about the cyberpunk lore
