Log Status






Time Played

80h 17m

Days in Journal

29 days

Last played

June 7, 2024

First played

December 26, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Definitely not the strongest Dragon Age game out there but a decent enough RPG in its own right. There are glimpses of a great game in here but you have to wade through a lot of tedious faff to get there.

There's a good amount to like here: Inquisition has excellent writing and characters, as to be expected from a Bioware game, that drives you to wanting to see more of your companions and the wider cast. Combat and general gameplay is also built and improved upon from Dragon Age II, though the complexities of Origins' combat are almost entirely gone here.

Controversially, I actually enjoyed the War Table system and felt like it added to the feeling of you being at the helm of a giant force rather than being the only competent party in the game. I can understand why some people might be put off by having to wait in real-time for missions to complete but I managed to do nearly all of them just by doing side content in the meantime.

However, Inquisition's overreliance on the open world bandwagon of the time makes its side content an absolute slog in addition to the side quests themselves being dumbed down from Origins and 2 into lifeless MMO-esque fetch quests. The main story's pacing is also disappointingly poor, especially in the final act.