Really itches the scratch I have to just be a creature, surviving out there.
Also the mod community is awesome

Rating is mainly based on the gameplay/story. While it's stylistically pretty simple, it's still a gorgeous game and I enjoy simply walking around and exploring. Flying can be confusing at first but fun once you have the hang of it.

After 455 hours though, I've seen everything.
The constant push of buying IAPs and seasonal passes make the game feel shallow. It's mainly supposed to be a social game but all I ever see or hear about news with this game is cosmetics. Very often ones that cost real money (Usually $20+ USD).
I liked the idea of having concerts with the season of Aurora but that was for a limited time only. The "Days of" events are nice but only happen at certain times of the year or at random. And ultimately, they just feel like another way of pushing in IAPs.

Also good luck if you want to try buying items with in game currency. It's a tedious chore having to grind wax. You can only earn so much in one day before the game stops you. And many IG currency items are worth several days, sometimes weeks to months depending on how often you play and for how long.

It's worth at least playing through the main story though, going through each world including Eden.

Huge comfort game for me. I play it with my husband every October/fall