3 reviews liked by IsaakAtReviews

I don't really know how to say what the experience this game gave me was. After all, it was one of the best of my life. One of the best works of art I've had the pleasure of playing. When I went to see The Last Of Us Part II, I doubted it could be better than the first. I believed it might be good, but not better than the first... I was very wrong. The game is not an experience for you to feel like a hero, to take pleasurable revenge... It's a simulator of misfortune. The game will destroy you as much as possible and this will be one of the best experiences possible. The game features an antagonist in which you also control him in certain parts of the game and this makes you create the most human feeling possible: Empathy. At the beginning of the game you just blindly seek revenge, then... You can't wait for this cycle to end soon and for the characters to be at peace. The game brings you these strong feelings through all of this and an IMPECCABLE, wonderful soundtrack! Thanks to Gustavo Santoalla (I don't know if I spelled his name right) And the graphics are incredible and full of details. It's definitely one of the best games ever made! And those who say that the game is horrible just because of the protagonist's final decision... Dude, you might not even like it and that's okay, after all, they are tastes. But you despise the ENTIRE game just for that? You're exaggerating, right? Anyway, play this if you want to walk away totally destroyed but with one of the best experiences of your life.

Scenario and character design:9.5
Protagonist and antagonist:10.0
Final grade:9.7

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If after playing all this there wasn't a part of you that wanted to spare Abby, you missed the point.

I like this game even better than the first one. Switching the main character halfway through was a genius risk that completely paid off. The story is so creative. Joel's death is not something that I initially liked the idea of but I can't think of a more powerful way to incentivize the player to experience the story at its most potent.

Dead Space before Dead Space?

Definitely the black sheep of the Doom series, but that's honestly why I love it so much. Does a great job of mixing the atmospheric horror gameplay mechanics of survival horror with the classic id Software shooting gameplay. This was so ahead of the time, sad that it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.